Do they stock the fridges with alcohol as well ? , like whisky ?
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Anthony Morris the III has been FOUND
by Terry innote: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
My report from the "trying my patience" DC
by nowwhat? inembedded in the cleveland ohio convention.
pre covid attendance was always 7k+ this year 4500.. 37baptised mixed bag.
less then half were children.. as far as patience goes, it can certainly help you be a better person when dealing with others but needless to say, this having patience waiting for jehovah is pure b.s.!
It`s funny how Jehovah`s witnesses point to the Bible to say that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked (Satan) one 1 John 5:19 , ,but when it comes to the crunch, it`s not Jehovah who comes to their rescue ,but Satans world who bails them out .
Should a person die for their religious BELIEFS?
by Fisherman inin ancient israel many of the prophets were killed as a result of their religious assignments —from god.
even soldiers were sent out to fight against idolatrous “uncircumcised” and logically some died for example jonathan, the son of king saul.
these soldiers were said to be fighting the wars of jehovah and there was no miraculous salvation for everybody all of the time.
NO, a futile, terrible, needless , waste of life.
Watching the show
by Teddnzo ini’m new to apostate stuff but have gone deep down a few rabbit holes of late so want to see both sides to everything .
im going to a congregation but am viewed as a bit of a black sheep because i question lots of things but not enough to cause too much trouble.. i’m intrigued watching the show.
in my heart i’m pretty sure the governing body are fakes and charlatans.. the entire thing is a big con game.
Welcome Teddnzo,
keep asking questions.
What about Ps.146:3 Do not put your trust in nobles nor in the son of earthling man to whom no salvation belongs etc,etc.Jer.17:5 Cursed is the able bodied man who puts his trust in earthling man,
[GOOD NEWS] My PIMI wife became PIMQ!
by psyco inafter a few years, unexpectedly, my pimi wife became pimq.. today she even asked me a question that i found very interesting:.
if god has been anointing women to be part of the kings and priests over humankind, why cannot they currently rule and guide 8 million people being part of the governing body (acquiring experience in that role as well)?.
That was a good Q your wife asked ,let`s hope she starts asking more .It could be an early sign she is starting to wake up ?
Is AI going to change the world?
by Reasonfirst inhad lunch with a friend, whose a lecturer in the accounting dept.
of one of australia's best universities.
he told me he expects to lose his job at some point in the next 5 years, as the accounting dept, will disappear, as all accounting will be done by ai programs, so why teach it.. if his fears are correct, that means that any profession that involves the mind, may one day face the same future.
I had a glimpse of something on the TV news this morning talking about research being done on merging human brain cells with AI technology ?
If that`s not scary I don`t know what is ? Should humans be worried ?
I think so .though it will be after I have left the planet.
Are You Raising An Introvert?
by darth frosty inits not easy being an introvert in an extrovert worldespecially when youre a kid.
it is even more difficult if none of the adults in the kids life recognize that the child is an introvert.
this doesnt happen only when the childs parents are extroverts, but also with introverted parents who have never understood their own introverted nature.. .
I don`t know how I missed this post ,maybe I just didn`t want to reply ?
I`m quite comfortable in my own space and never alone ,I have my inner self to keep me company.
I don`t feel the need for people to be around me.
What Did the Following People Have in Common?
by no-zombie inwhat did the following people have in common?.
1 job2 the widow of zaraphath3 naaman4 the samaritan leper (one of the 10 lepers)5 the roman army officer of capernaum6 cornelius and his guestsnone were ...israelitesjewish convertspart of the abrahamic covenantchristianspart of a christian congregationin a dedicated relationship with godorbaptizedhowever ...all were directly given holy spirit or individually blessed by god ... even though, they were not part of 'jehovah's organization'.take time to think what this really means.luke 4:24-29acts 10:34-35.
They all died , the same as slims list.
I like it