Billy Graham played religion and politics to his own advantage and lived a comfortable if not luxurious lifestyle.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Are Jehovahs Witnesses headed towards becoming one of the most controversial and talked about religions on YouTube
by UnshackleTheChains ingiven the numerous videos on youtube about all the scandals and controversies of the watchtower bible and tract society.
are they headed to becoming one of the most infamous religious groups in the world for all the wrong reasons?.
Sorry, but nobody cares about Jehovah`s Witnesses and gives them a second thought except , ex Jehovah`s Witnesses
And that`s the truth
Smiddy`s Wedding Anniversary Today
by smiddy3 inhi friends one and all i just thought i would let you know it`s our 57th wedding anniversary today .
and we are setting off this morning for 3 nights in eden nsw i think it has more to offer than the one in genesis.. with a bit { or a lot } of luck we will make our fortune .
have a good day everybody.
Both the Smiddy`s here would like to thank you all for the best wishes and congratulations you have showered upon us for our wedding anniversary.
We had a wonderful 3 days though sadly we didn`t make our fortune, though we never lost a fortune either.
The whale museum their is really interesting with many exhibits and history of the whaling station that existed here many years ago when they used row boats before the use of technology was employed
Particularly of interest was the co-operation between killer whale and humans in herding other whales for the kill benefiting both man and whale in the process which apparently is well documented and attested to.
Something that is unique and never been recorded anywhere else in the world.
Google Eden NSW Whale Museum Australia if your interested.
Once again thank you my friends.
Smiddy`s Wedding Anniversary Today
by smiddy3 inhi friends one and all i just thought i would let you know it`s our 57th wedding anniversary today .
and we are setting off this morning for 3 nights in eden nsw i think it has more to offer than the one in genesis.. with a bit { or a lot } of luck we will make our fortune .
have a good day everybody.
Hi friends one and all I just thought I would let you know it`s our 57th wedding anniversary today
And we are setting off this morning for 3 nights in Eden NSW I think it has more to offer than the one in Genesis.
With a bit { or a lot } of luck we will make our fortune
Have a good day everybody
God Cannot Lie, But God's Organization Can?
by AmABeliever inin the recently leaked bethel training videos, both speakers state that inappropriate flirting really amounts to lying, as if a person is misrepresenting either his interest or availability to another person romantically.. we are reminded that the bible is very plain in its expressions on lying such as proverbs 12:22 which states it is detestable to god.
so with the example given here, we must have a very high standard in separating what is truthful from what is not.. with that being the case, it shocks me that bethel would produce a video presented to all in attendance at the 2017 regional convention regarding the early 1970's, essentially rewriting history as to what actually happened.. is misrepresenting your past and misleading millions of followers not a much more extreme case of lying from those who claim to reject any form of lying no matter how small, such as flirting?
would anyone like to add more examples to this thread?.
God told Adam that he wouldn`t die and if he was a loving partner of Eve he would have told her also.
However the point is GOD LIED
God Cannot Lie, But God's Organization Can?
by AmABeliever inin the recently leaked bethel training videos, both speakers state that inappropriate flirting really amounts to lying, as if a person is misrepresenting either his interest or availability to another person romantically.. we are reminded that the bible is very plain in its expressions on lying such as proverbs 12:22 which states it is detestable to god.
so with the example given here, we must have a very high standard in separating what is truthful from what is not.. with that being the case, it shocks me that bethel would produce a video presented to all in attendance at the 2017 regional convention regarding the early 1970's, essentially rewriting history as to what actually happened.. is misrepresenting your past and misleading millions of followers not a much more extreme case of lying from those who claim to reject any form of lying no matter how small, such as flirting?
would anyone like to add more examples to this thread?.
If you take the Bible to mean what it says and not what you interpret the words to mean then God does lie.
Gen.2;17 "But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it ,for in the day you eat from it you will positively die."
They did not die in the day they ate from that tree like God said so he lied .
Adam and Eve would only have known what a day was from their experience just as we appreciate what a day is.
Does praying really matter? Where is the evidence?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmatthew 7:7 jesus says: ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
for every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone?
Think of the Jews in Jerusalem praying to God at the wailing wall
The reality is they are just praying to a brick wall
Dutch government to discuss JW abuse issue Thursday 15 feb between 10.00 and 13.00 [live stream]
by Anders Andersen inthursday 15 februari 2018, between 10.00 and 13.00, a committee of the dutch house of representatives will discuss jw child abuse issues during a public meeting.. for those who speak dutch, you can follow along:.
live stream (video):
I`m looking forward to this
Jehovah's Witnesses and Jimmy Swaggart
by Lady Lee ina website i had not seen before tells the story and provides the scans of the court case. .
more of the scans are on page 2 so click the link at the bottom of the page.
However by definition "Friend Of The Court" puts Jehovah`s Witnesses and Jimmy Swaggart Ministries in bed with each other
The so called "true Religion" (JW`s) with an Apostate False Religion {Jimmy Swaggart Ministries } a part of Babylon The Great .
Please Switch Off Your Critical Thinking
by pale.emperor ini have an uneasy feeling inside that something is coming this year or the next.
perhaps a new big announcement that turns jwdom on it's head.. we've seen the statement in the watchtower november 15th, 2013 which said:.
watchtower november 15th, 2013 - page 20, paragraph 17.. .
I agree that tithing is the way they will go.It`s the only thing that can make up for their loss of revenue in book and magazine sales/contributions and the drop in converts in western nations where the money is.
10% of dollars from 8.5 million members should add up to a tidy sum each year to keep them going well into the future.