50 reasons to be ashamed (and not a fan) of Jesus
I think 50 reasons are a good number and their are quite a few sites that are willing to give their point of view on the subject .
i get it, not a fan of yahweh the desert god.
but what about jesus?
anything wrong with his teachings like the sermon on the mount and the example he set.
I think 50 reasons are a good number and their are quite a few sites that are willing to give their point of view on the subject .
the outline number 44 from this year’s regional assembly states:.
la organización de las naciones unidas es en realidad una falsificación del reino mesiánico, y es una ofensa para dios.. .
translation: “the united nations organisation is actually a counterfeit of the messianic kingdom, and it is offensive to god.”.
During the 1990`s it has been demonstrated on this forum where they in their AWAKE magazine wrote some articles that could only be described as pro UN material the good they were doing on a humanitarian level
Maybe someone who is more tech. savvy can produce those articles and certainly not condemning them as enemy`s of God.
the outline number 44 from this year’s regional assembly states:.
la organización de las naciones unidas es en realidad una falsificación del reino mesiánico, y es una ofensa para dios.. .
translation: “the united nations organisation is actually a counterfeit of the messianic kingdom, and it is offensive to god.”.
Just another example of backflips of the WTS/JW`s condemning the League Of Nations /United Nations as counterfeit`s to the Kingdom of God set up with Jesus Christ as King for many years .
Then in the 1990`s praising the work in their magazine on what good the UN was accomplishing in humanitarian aid such as UNESCO while they were associated with the UN as card carrying members NGO and DPO
That then being exposed by a UK journalist for their hypocrisy of 10 years membership and then severing ties with the UN
They now feel free to label the UN as a counterfeit to the Kingdom Of God by Christ Jesus.
i missed my first memorial last year in 60 years.
it always amazed me on this special night that the jw's forget how to park their cars in the parking lot.
i would pull in with my wife and there are 5 brothers giving directions on where and how to park my car.
Our last one was in 1993 and I think it`s quite funny how the partakers keep going up every year since we left when we were always told that the numbers of partakers would be decreasing as the END of this System of things drew near .
watchtower article often introduce a point that has no merit with words such a "undeniably.".
for instance the watchtower 2014 august 15 page 10 says:.
"jehovah undeniably blesses the preaching work of christian women and supports them in times of trial.
That`s a good point you make the word that comes to my mind is obfuscation trying to deflect any possible objection to the point being made by them , shutting down any possible argument one might have against the statement being made .
my cousin's girlfriend moved from another state and is now living in our home.
they said she lived in a bad situation, but i don't believe them.
my cousin lies.
Your daughter is 18 and I presume that is the age of consent and if so your daughter has made her bed and now has to lie in it .
In other words she has to take responsibility for her own actions and take the consequences either good or bad it has been her choice.
What you need to do is back off and allow her to make her own choices in life yet be prepared to pick up the pieces for as long as you can .
If she is determined to live in a way that is destructive or destroying her life in spite of all you have tried to do for her ,then you have to know when enough is enough and cut the ties.
People cannot live other peoples lives for them they must take responsibility for their own lives.
are you sinning?
do we want jesus death to be in vain.
we must not forget, if you never sin jesus died for nothin.
So David`s friends/charges put their life in danger to get him some water to drink and he pours it out on the ground ?
What an ares-hole ungrateful SOB , he was to do that to them.
And that account is supposed to inspire us to follow Davids example ?
as some of you may remember from a previous post of mine, myself and my husband are in the process of fading.
we began our fade in jan 2017 and haven't been to a meeting since may 2017. to say this time has been a struggle is an understatement.
it has been a lonely time for us, losing all of our so called friends.
I like that Sliced :
LIVE : your life how you and your husband want to live and not by how third parties (G.B./Jw`s ) want you to live.
it`s your life not theirs.
LOVE : what you and your husband want to do and enjoy it regardless of what or how other people think about it ,it`s simply none of their business. It`s your life .not theirs !
LAUGH : Humour gets us through a lot of stressful emotional scenarios.Laugh at how you were indoctrinated to do some of the most absurd things then that you would never do now knowing TTATT
Again it`s your life not theirs ,do what you want to do and not what others want you to do.
Be your own person .
¿necesitan los demás bosquejos?.
Thank you freddo for that clarification .
happy st. paddy's day.. that being said, life is a bag of shit.. so please give me some sort of positivity in this post.. i wish i could get it from whom i would like it from, but that is a bullshit dream.. life sucks then you die!.
I`m sure some third -fourth world country poor person would swap places with you in a second if they had the chance .
Their are millions if not billions of people on this earth that would trade places with you if they had the chance .
Don`t be so self indulgent.
Sometimes we just need to spell it out as it is .
O.K. If it`s a relationship issue that`s gone wrong ,time heals everything and a new relationship will come along and you will wonder why you stressed out so much about your previous relationship.
That`s life.