My current hypothesis is this: IF God exists, we then may well be all in His imagination.
I believe that there is a very good chance that this is correct. It lines up well with the more abstract ideas in the Bible. And it lines up almost completely with the 'other side's' interpretation of reality (as symbolized by the snake), where it's taught that all things are one, and that this one thing is purely mental.
I go one step further: His mental preoccupation with "the Universe and mankind" is what keeps Him 'sane.'
Here I will disagree again. It's difficult to imply that otherwise God would be IN-sane were it not for his thoughts of mankind. I don't believe God was mad or in a state of mental desperation prior to having any thoughts.
And one more item on the list! All the damage done throughout the history of our world "Does Not Count" against God because He is merely an author thinking up a plot in which heroes die and sometimes Bad Guys flourish.
It's clear that if man wanted, the world would be a much better place. Hate, greed, selfishness, etc all make it incredibly challenging for a huge part of the world to live in peace. It's easier to blame God for lightening or a shark striking an innocent person. Less so when dealing with the emotions of hate or greed.