Touchofgrey-You have yet to provide independent and verified eyewitnes and historical evidence of the resurrection of jesus at the time it was supposedly happen.
For a person, Jesus, who only operated as the Messiah for a scant 3 years at most...and did it trying (desperately at times) to remain anonymous up until his death...sure did have a lasting and critical effect since then.
There's absolutely nothing in the gospels, or the entire Bible for that matter, that points to anything Christ did including the resurrection, that should be recorded and verified by historians.
The world wasn't much interested in the arrival of the Messiah. The Romans themselves, the real movers and shakers of the world at the time, were utterly indifferent to just about anything happening in Judea.
Who really believes that what a bunch of uneducated fishermen and the little towns around them did mattered enough to send historians to Judea and make note of what was happening?