I usually regret donning the cap of millennialism even for the sake of conversation. Curiosity and a few glasses of wine have gotten the better of me tonight though and I’m going to go ahead and ask some of the things that came to mind while reading your post.
Fig Trees:
1. In regard to Matthew 24:32, Mark 13:28 & Luke 21:29, did Jesus actually mention the fruit of the tree at all, or is this your own contrivance?
2. In stating “There is needed yet a little time until the fruit can be eaten and summer is here in all its glory” you seem to attach a certain degree of importance to a protracted ripening period for the fruit. I’ve raised fig trees for years in a climate virtually identical to that of Palestine. In that type of climate, a mature tree will produce fruit in two crops, the first well before summer, usually around mid spring. Consequently, how can any special importance be attached to the ripening of the fruit?
1. What is the basis for your definition of the term “generation”?
2. What to you understand the term “pass away” to mean?
3. If you substitute your term definitions for #1 and #2 above in lieu of the terms themselves as they appear in Matthew 24:34, do you still have a coherent sentence? Can you demonstrate?