When they were in Arizona, did they live in Mesa?
Posts by TD
Porland OR: Stan & Gail Hedeen
by ExpandedMind ini am seeking to find a couple of dear friends, stan & gail hedeen.
last i knew they lived in arizona, but through a people search, it appears they may have moved to portland oregon.
i believe they are still witnesses, but am not positive.. thanks!.
Is there a doctor in the house?
by Puternut inhere's another subject i find ironic and interesting.
i know of an elder who is an gynocologist.
and he is in good standing with the organization and a well respected man.. a long time ago, out of curiosity, i asked a co once; if we 'strictly' go by the wt, and if we are looking at this 'objectively', openly and 'technically', and go by what the society says about touching another person in this way, isn't this elder committing pornea every day?
I think your initial question illustrates the accident form of the logical fallacy dicto simpliciter. Briefly, this is the fallacy of denying the exception. It is often committed by legalists and moralists who try to resolve complex questions by a simple mechanical application of a general rule. For example, there are still ultra-conservative Christians out their that consider the National Geographic to be pornographic. They arrive at this unreasonable conclusion by a mechanical application of their definition of pornea irrespective of the customs of attire in cultures other than their own.
Similarly, although a mechanical application of the various criterion of pornea, might lead to the conclusion that an ObGyn was committing it, this would be a logical fallacy. Although the CO probably knew this as a "gut-feeling" he apparently did not understand the mechanics of why. ---Hence the simple three word response, "He's a Doctor."
The CO had probably never studied art, he had most likely not been to college at all, probably had never been to a large art gallery except perhaps on a field trip in grammar school. His only first hand encounters with the unadorned human form in art were almost certainly a few furtive glances at the erotic sort when he was a teenager. As a JW elder he had probably sat on judicial committee meetings where lonely and hen-pecked JW men had identified an initial interest in this type of "art" as the seed of subsequent transgressions. In short, he probably did not have the background to dispassionately judge your question. For him, nudity in art went hand in hand with concupiscence and the two could not be separated .
Therefore it would have been difficult or impossible for him to see that the rule may have other exceptions as well. Depending on the circumstances of course, I think art is a rather obvious one.
I'm one sick puppy
by logansrun indamn, last night i developed food poisening and was up all night.
total regurgitations: 12. .
nausea is the worst!.
That's rough. Sorry to hear that.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.............Favourite movie as a kid...
by ScoobySnax in....." a gentle breeze from hushabye mountain,...... softly blows on lullaby bay, it fills the sails of boats that are waiting.... waiting to sail your worries away...".
........... whats your one?
you're favourite film as a kid that mesmorised you.. you can be a big straight gruff guy to answer this one too by the way.. scoob
Regarding Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, did you read the book as a child? It was written by Ian Flemming and had an entirely different tone than the movie.
Watchtower study today at meeting
by dustyb inwell, looks like they do have a new date for the conclusion of the end, and that we should "be prepared".
even some people that commented said that 90 years of the 120 years have passed by and we should be prepared for the time at hand.
2034 people, 2034.... i've had enough, i'm talkign to the elder about this one, i don't care if i get labelled or not.
TD, You know the start of the time of the end was 1799. That's like . . . . . Two hundred and five years ago. So the generation concept has been stretched to a very good length.
Isn't it kind of easy to be rather creative when you are dealing with fantasy? Or am I missing something? GaryB
LOL... I see your point.
But even fantasy writers must be true to their medium. Any good fantasy story has rules and conventions that once established, can't be violated without the audience crying "foul!"
Watchtower study today at meeting
by dustyb inwell, looks like they do have a new date for the conclusion of the end, and that we should "be prepared".
even some people that commented said that 90 years of the 120 years have passed by and we should be prepared for the time at hand.
2034 people, 2034.... i've had enough, i'm talkign to the elder about this one, i don't care if i get labelled or not.
It really doesn't seem that long ago (July of 1979) when the centennial edition of The Watchtower was crowing about how they had faithfully kept on the watch and sounded the warning for 100 years.
By the "Noah's Day" 120 year reckoning I suppose that Armageddon invisibly came in 1999 and no one noticed.
Makes you wonder.......
If they can arbitrarily move the start point 35 years forward to 1914, what's to stop them from moving it forward again as 2034 approaches and events (once again) do not unfold as they expect.
Someone tell me JW's aren't this stupid! I'd like to have more faith in my fellow man than that.......
What Motivates You to Expose the "Truth About the Troof" to Active JW's?
by imallgrowedup inwhile responding to another thread, i was thinking about how so many of us talk about trying to help "believing dubs" out from the clutches of the wt, while at the same time, it occurred to me that we probably all have different motivations for doing so.
as for me, i am motivated to get my parents out because i think they have the right to know "the whole story" - not just the candy-coated version the wt espouses, so they can make better decisions about how they want to live the rest of their lives.
right now the wt makes all their life decisions for them - including whether or not they should look at what the "other side" has to say about them.
JW's are wrapped up like mummies in layer after layer after layer of inaccurate information and outright lies. I hate seeing good people basing important decisions on bad information.
If someone wants to be a JW once the bandages are off, fine. Voluntarily walking off a cliff with your eyes wide open is an altogether different thing than going over the edge because you were blindly stumbling along with your face swaddled in bandages
Hi all!....say, remember Paradise Lost book? (the orange one...LOL)
by Ron1968 infirst i have to say a big hi to everyone and especially those from the beyondjw board!
anyway, i must post here more often.
i get stuck in my old routines too much.. .
One thing that I always thought was not only interesting about the Paradise book, but about JW's in general was the picture on page 8
Very early editions of the book showed a tree with a cluster of bananas that was drawn wrong:
Subsequent editions of the book took this approach to the mistake:
The mistake had arguably been "fixed," but the approach was not to go back and redraw it correctly, but to eliminate all reference to the mistake entirely by "moving" the offending tree in the illustration. It now appeared as if it had never happened at all.
Hi all!....say, remember Paradise Lost book? (the orange one...LOL)
by Ron1968 infirst i have to say a big hi to everyone and especially those from the beyondjw board!
anyway, i must post here more often.
i get stuck in my old routines too much.. .
You mean this paradise book?
Beware The Voice Of Strangers.
by Englishman in.
i know that nosferatu posted a link to this talk some months ago, but the link is no longer active.. i'm very curious about this "voice of strangers" warning - whatever it's a warning about please tell me!.
I taped that discourse --figured it was a "keeper." Shades of paranoia even by JW standards.