My observation is in line with Patio's comment.
Although the JW's do acknowledge the existence of the dinosaurs, it is a subject they will address only in the most cursorial manner because of the literal/inerrant view of Gen 1:30 they still seem to hold. Even if we ignore the overwhelming evidence of predator/prey relationships manifest in the many attack and defense mechanisms of the dinosaurs, this view still makes for all sort of problems.
Aside from the obvious, (An herbivore must be able to internally synthesize taurine, an essential amino acid not found in plant material. However no member of the cat family can do this.) most seem to miss the fact that whereas man is given the seeds and fruits of plants in verse 29, the animals are relegated to eating only the foilage in verse 30.
Even among herbivorous animal species, there are relatively few that truly fit this mold. Almost all herbivores much prefer the seeds and fruit of plants when they can get them.