It's a shame, but you have me reading my Watchtowers with a more critical eye now. I find myself arguing aloud with the statements and reasonings, then I remember that the writers are probably living an ivory tower life far removed from everyday human reality.
The Apocalypticism should stop. We should be encouraged to serve God because we love him, not beat to death about giving up everything beacause Armageddon is coming "soon." Every time I see the word "soon" in a WT publication I cringe, because the meaning we give it has no connection with what the word really means.
But take away the prophecies and the End Times stuff and this Millerite religious descendant, the WT Society, has no message. William Miller and the Second Adventists were wrong, and so are their lineal descendants. In the past, I remember Witnesses laughing about the story of Miller's followers gathering up on some hill in the 1800s waiting to be lifted to heaven, only to be disappointed. Yet Charles Russell and his followers were heavily influenced by other adherents of Miller, and have given out their own dates for the End, only to be similarly disappointed, as recently as 1975.
As the title of a popular book goes, "Just Give Me Jesus." I can do without all the speculations and the Society's "traditions of men" that invalidate the word of God.