Wow go boy! I can't imagine (well I can), such a heartless person claiming to be Christian. How horrible.
Beans, as usual,
You made me crack up and pee my pants! How did you let that guy diss you? I mean, you give him rides and he doesnt return the favor? LOL Poor thing! But it made me laugh hard! LOL
All the others, what sad stories.... some made me laugh but in the end, it's sad hearing how heartless and cruel these supposed 'Christians' are like. I have so many's hard picking just one.
One was a sister taking me to her house after the Sunday meeting. I was about 12. I have blonde hair and freckles and I lamented how I hated my freckles and she said straight out,' You're not pretty, but you might be considered cute one day.' I just stared at her. Now I am not being mean....but she looked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, only worse. I then realized how cruel someone could be, out of spite, insecurity, or just plain stupidity. What a dumb thing to say!
Another time I liked an ultra spiritual boy (we're talking Jesus material here). I told some sisters I had the hots for him and they said, 'Geez, he is so spiritual, he could have anyone...why would he pick you? You're not even a pioneer!" That just killed me.... I figured out quickly that 'status' was measured by how many hours you put in and who you knew.