I watched that show you are talking about. I could tell it was protrayed in a certain light. You have to understand, you are watching a show that was written, produced and directed by a certain group with an agenda.
You are talking about the Matthew Shephard case. I noticed that while this was a horrible tragedy, they portray many in the town as ignorant, hicks. The ones pro-gay are spoken to with nice music in the front of a college (as if to say they are educated), nice lighting.
The ones against homosexuality are interviewed in dingy areas, garages, run down homes, the music is dark and scary....
You have to keep your mind open and not be led by the director's view. I personally like to watch things that are 'neutral'. Just the facts and thats it. I like making up my own mind and not having a pro-agenda group sway me with sneaky tactics.
Again, that case was horrendous. But it paints over the homosexual lifestyle as innocent, which I think is not always the case. I think everyone should be able to have their own beliefs without fear of being harrassed, either for or against an issue.