Congrats, SYN!
I have always enjoyed your thoughts on things and really enjoyed what you just posted up top. I think we all need to read that from time to time and remember what it's all about!
after reaching jedi, i just wanted to extend a warm hug to everyone here on this board who's been here for me - here's to great friends!
for humour value, here's my first post:.
i hope my user name doesn't offend anyone - it actually stands for the [syn] command your computer uses to connect to other computers on the web, not what you were thinking!.
Congrats, SYN!
I have always enjoyed your thoughts on things and really enjoyed what you just posted up top. I think we all need to read that from time to time and remember what it's all about!
I'm excited too!! It looks wayyyy better than Ep 1!!
the wtbts uses the word 'jehovah' to lord it over people.
it's great that they picked on a made up name - it's a gift horse in the mouth for you to be so at liberty to drop it.
(i love sayings, you know, a gift , horse / pride, and from their own mouth?)..
I use it because I was raised being taught that God's name was Jehovah....
kinda like, if you worked with someone named Bob. Then, after 25 years of having lunch with Bob, eating at Bob's house, going camping with Bob.. he tells you his name is really Kenneth. Now, everytime you see him, you call him Bob. He doesnt look like a Kenneth. In fact, you tried to call him Kenneth..but your mouth choked up and you felt fake doing it.
Thats how I feel calling my Creator, Father, Ultimate Power.. just God. I think it sounds too generic. I feel that Satan the Devil has a name, Jesus our King has a name...why not God? Just God sounds... I dunno... a little cold and impersonal. Calling him Jehovah gives me a sense of closeness. I do not in any way associate this use of name as being a jw. Sure, they use it, but so do other religions.
I guess old habits die hard!
hey guys it's katie.. for those people who do not know me, i am an inactive lesbian 18 year old jw, who was df'd & reinstated.
well, i don't consider myself a lesbian- i am just a female dating another female.
call me what you will.. ok- so anyways the other night i was sad and lonely.
Thank you for your kind words, they mean alot to me!
All my best, Tera was evident when they booed during the canadian anthem.. jerks!.
You crack me up!! I shoulda known you'd pop in here lifting the mood. LMBO
Crazy guy!
hey guys it's katie.. for those people who do not know me, i am an inactive lesbian 18 year old jw, who was df'd & reinstated.
well, i don't consider myself a lesbian- i am just a female dating another female.
call me what you will.. ok- so anyways the other night i was sad and lonely.
But let me tell you, it didn't bring me happiness. In fact, what it has done is make me very resentful of having lost out on a normal teenage life. Yes, I'm glad that I didn't get pregnant or an STD, etc. But I'm not even talking about "the extremes." I would have loved to have been able to be more focused on learning in high school, getting good grades, and using that as a launching pad for getting into college, possibly on a scholarship, so that I would not be trying to eke out two classes a semester while working full time now, with my degree a looonnnnng ways away. (I'm 31.) I would have liked to have gone to a few rock concerts. I would have liked to have been able to explore who I was inside without fear of being punished if I had thoughts considered "wrong," such as evaluating my programmed values and beliefs in light of my own experiences, etc., which is something that we should all have the right to do.You said it!!!! I wanted to say that my whole life! THANK YOU THANK YOU! I had wondered if I was the only one who had parents who never pushed academics. My mother never asked if I did my homework. She barely glanced at my report cards. Now I'm 28 and entering college, knowing my B.A. is years away. I feel much more prepared now, knowing that I want to study and learn. But in high school it simply wasnt encouraged.
Your words really encouraged me and let me know I'm not alone! was evident when they booed during the canadian anthem.. jerks!.
this was talked about, done that, kicking a dead horse.
hi friends,.
i've read the thread "how many left over the un issue?".
i know ginosko, he is the elder, a very good friend of mine, i told you about when i wrote the threads about the un and my congregation.
Do you feel that you are better individuals now?...Do people around know the difference? Do you help people in need?.
I am a much happier, less paranoid, kinder person now. Everyone that knew me back as a jw has shunned me, so I cant get much feedback from them. I DO know that I can maintain friendships now, something that was hard when I was a Witness. I dont distrust people anymore... too many positive things to even mention.
Do I help people? Hmm... I volunteer about 25+ hours a week at an elementary school and an animal shelter. I had no time to do this when I was a jw. How many jw's do you know that volunteer? I havent met one. And dont say field service is volunteering!!!!!
hey guys it's katie.. for those people who do not know me, i am an inactive lesbian 18 year old jw, who was df'd & reinstated.
well, i don't consider myself a lesbian- i am just a female dating another female.
call me what you will.. ok- so anyways the other night i was sad and lonely.
So if you want to marry and have kids, why are you dating a girl?
Seriously, though. I understand what you're saying. That vision of a perfect life is not an easy one. The thing that perfect girl didnt tell you was that she was an empty shell...she did everything for mommy and daddy. I knew that girl, she was my sister's best friend. Everything was perfect about her.. regular pioneer, beautiful, married a gorgeous MS, had beautiful kids, had a perfect home, everything. Later she told my sis that she had a hard time living up to the image people had of her.
I would rather follow my heart and live a useful life than chasing the pot at the end of the rainbow... only to find out (too late) that the pot isnt even there, nor is the rainbow.
while relaxing with my morning java at the local coffee joint i suddenly noticed window-washing equipment moving across the glassed surfaces of the restaurant.
yes, there was one of the local j-dubs hard at it.
the strange thing was the height of his helper ... about the height of an 8-year-old.
I have a ton of respect for the parents who are successfully homeschooling their children. It is a tough, thankless job that will produce rich rewards in the future.
In the very beginning, when my son was 4, I fleetingly thought of homeschooling him. I couldnt stand the thought of some obnoxious bully snatching his sandwich during lunchtime, kids pushing him around or teasing on the playground. Then I realized how much he would suffer socially and changed my mind. I'm so glad I did... the teachers said because he is an only child, he was very shy and this year (first grade) he has come out of his shell alot. His teacher is wonderful and tells me he loves being around other kids.
I dont look to public school as the main source of teaching for my child. I look at it as a 'social' thing for him. If he learns anything in public school, great. I try to teach him everything at home, not in a strict or structured setting... just make it fun and interesting. When he was 3 he could read and he will be in a gifted class next year. The main reason was because I teach him things at home and dont rely on the teachers to do it.
A funny thing about (some) homeschooled kids though.. I knew a family that was ultra-spiritual (or so they thought) and wanted to protect their son and daughter from the evil world. Those poor kids never knew how to relate to kids their age. During the assembly you could see them talking to adults, they didnt know how to talk to kids their own age. They were a little ..... um.. different. They didnt act like 'normal' kids.