Dearest Bang... may you have peace (and peace to you, too, as well, Mulan and Amazing...).
If I may, I would like to repost something I was permitted to previously that might help shed a little 'light' on this matter:
The name(s) I use for my Father and my Lord are those given me by my Lord. I formerly knew them as "Jehovah" and "Jesus Christ", and when my Lord and Father first audibly identified themselves to me, those are the names they used. I was told I would not have "received" any other names. (Boy, was THAT true!)I have since been taught, by my Lord... through holy spirit... the following:
The rendering "JHVH" is the taken from the Hebrew letters YHWH. In the Hebrew tongue, the "J" is PRONOUNCED "Y". For example, although it is SPELLED "hallelu-jah"... we SAY... "hallelu-YAH". (Actually, though, the "H" is silent, so it is truly "a-lle-lu-yah".) The "W", in the Hebrew tongue, is PRONOUCED "V". For example, even today in Yiddish tongue, some will say 'vedding', instead of 'wedding'. Yes?
Unfortunately, some well-meaning, but misguided (misguided, in that they relied on the knowledge of earthling man... their own... and HIS perception of the proper placement of 'vowels'... rather than the knowledge of God, which is spoken through His Word - Rev. 19:13; John 1:14) to translate God's name. Thus, they erroneously rendered "JHVH" as "JeHoVaH". In TRUTH (John 14:6), however, that name is PROPERLY rendered "JaH-VeH", which means "JAH causes to come into existence... JAH breathes into existence... armies." Thus, my Father's name is JAH... and He IS... JAH OF ARMIES, the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Psalm 68:4
My Lord's name is taken directly from my Father's... so that what is said by the Prophets and my Lord, "Blessed is he that comes in the name of JAH" is fulfilled. His name is "JAH-ESHUA", which is PRONOUNCED "YahShua"... or "Joshua", if you use a 'hard' "J". That is his NAME. It MEANS... "JAH saves" or "salvation of JAH".
His DESIGNATION, however, is "mischa-JAH", PRONOUNCED Hebrewically "mee-sha-yah"... or in English "ma-sy-yah". This designation MEANS... 'chosen' or 'anointed' (mischa) 'of JAH'. Mischa-Jah. In GREEK, the word is "kristos", which translated into English is "Christ"... or chosen/anointed one. "Christ-ians" are "chosen people"... or "anointed people".
Thus, my Father's name is JAH... and my Lord's JAHESHUA (Jah saves) MISCHAJAH (chosen of JAH). And it is in THIS way that he 'comes in the name of JAH."
Hope this helps, truly. If not, you could ALWAYS do what I did: ask for and receive holy spirit and let IT 'teach [you] all things'.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,