Well, except for the fact of my family. Despite having put me through a lot, I love them and don't want to lose them. One friend gave me the advice to just fade as soon as I move out so they won't have to shun me. Another said just disassociate so I can move on fully and not be harassed by the witnesses. I honestly dont know how to go about the situation. I know I'd have he support of my boyfriend and his family, but I'd like to keep my family and friends too. How do you think I should go about my exit plan? Any ideas, similar experiences? Just reply if ya do!
I don't know the particular details of your relationship with your family, but once I found myself in the exact same situation (and to some degree I still do, and I'm in my 50s now).
What helped me was changing my perception of the issue, and realizing that the relationship with my family is a two-way street. It's not OK for them to shun you for believing something different. It's not ok for them to treat you differently for having a bf outside the WT.
They will be the ones making the wrong decisions and losing you over their faith to an organization that you have the right not to belong to. They too have responsibilities, and they too have the moral obligation of respecting and accepting you the way you are and with what you believe.
Discrimination based on religion is illegal for a reason, and that is, entities cannot deny you service or opportunities because of religious differences. So people who love you should know better than creating problems (and they are the ones creating the problem) because of the decisions you as an adult make.
It's not going to be easy; nor is it going to be possible to maintain a good relationship with your loved ones while not being a JW. However, holding them responsible for being the cause of disruption helps.
Those are the best thoughts I can provide. I wish I could tell you that you can leave the Wt and still maintain the same closeness to your family and friends. All I can say is, prepare to decide which kind of BS you're willing to put up with, and prepare to be shunned and blamed if you decide to leave. Also prepare a support system, better friends that can support you regardless of what your religious believes are/become.