What gets me is that Witnesses really really hate it when they see someone leave. I understand, having been in, but this awkward frustration is so artificial and unnecessary. It's a free country, you're free to leave a religion, and their own website CLAIMS that people can leave at any time.
I mean, it's not a cult, now, is it?
I think that there are different emotions lingering around her when she sees you. My guesses are:
- Perplexed; you are not supposed to look happy and well balanced
- Cautious; if you still look happy and well balanced, that's supposed to change; she may be expecting for you to show your "true evil, son of Satan side", or she may be expecting you to try to convince her of joining you in "the world".
- Afraid; as a JW, did she get to see you preaching, or in a meeting, or a convention? She may not know the degree of involvement you had in your congregation. She may think that you were disfellowshipped and she's supposed to treat you certain way if you were, as opposed to the way a non-baptized person who leaves is supposed to be treated
- Angry at you - if she's a zealous JW, for you leaving her Jehovah
- Angry at herself - if she's not a zealous JW, for her not leaving her stupid Jehovah
- Confused - She may have limited information about you and she may not know what to make of your behavior
Either way, the effect of the cult is perfectly evident and present. If you notice, all her feelings are severely influenced by the WT.