I had a similar experience! I was DF'd a year ago and to tell you the truth, my life felt completely empty. I did some research into local organisations that need volunteers, hoping it would take my mind off my family etc. IT WORKED! I contacted an organisation called Interact Rehabilitation Home Services. They provide attendant carers for people with Acquired Brain Injuries. Previously healthy people like you or I, who have been in car accidents or work related accidents. I started to visit their homes as a carer, assisting them with cleaning, shopping or just a friend when they needed one.
In all my years growing up in the truth and going into field service every weekend, I have NEVER experienced such a reward from visiting people’s homes. People who really need help. Actually, to be honest, it was they who helped me. They helped me to appreciate what is important and to really value life. They helped me to get past my negative attitude and look at the positives. I really love these people.
Nicolaou, you seem to be a very humble person and you certainly did not come across as though you were self-promoting. Rather you gave an extremely good suggestion to others.
Take good care.
Kind regards,