Splane is a muppet show character that became a real liife person.
the september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
Splane is a muppet show character that became a real liife person.
memory from long ago: my old mate from high school lived next door to a jw and was often "treated" to the latest jw literature.
when the "you can live forever in paradise on earth"* book came out, this neighbour waxed lyrical about how good this book was and how powerful the message was.
he acted really keen about it, like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I don't hear anything about publications.
Family were talking recentlyabout not preaching anymore, only random talks about non religion subjects.
i have a question regarding the current blood card- did the blood card always have a spot where the jw gives the elders the authority to pull the plug (so to speak) and to admit them to a long term facility?
as well as no blood, naturally.
if the elders have no financial responsibility how is this possible?
End of life when the testament benefits Watchtower. Take care!
my 28y old nephew was dating a 'sister' from another congregation.
he recently bought his own home.
i stopped by there to drop off something.
Great topic. Never been under a surveillance, and yes that gave space for some nicr experiences. The best days of my life that lead to a good mariage.
what are your memories of hall cleaning?.
i actually enjoyed it on the whole, my dad as the elder always tried to keep it to under one hour but in my later years in a hard-line congregation it was a chore.
the po's wife had a printed list and we had to complete it all before left (or got disapproving looks if we left after an hour).. as well as vacuuming the whole building the lost said you had to dismantle the vacuum and clean and polish all the internal elements.
Did not like it.
Can't remember participating.
it's already may 22, 2024 in kiritimati.. .
I remember reading these article in the bound volumes at home when I was 7 years old.
The time everything was easy.
I did not follow these advise. Now a top level manager.
i’ve been invited to the dedication at chelmsford.. it’s crazy here, several thousand ex bethelites here for lots of events.
all hotels booked.
big marquee.
I don't know what is in the drinking water of Wallkill, because Steven Lett made some strange humour also during his recent visit in Amsterdam.
The wrong humour.
There is something going on with those guys.
may 14, 2024. hello brothers at the writing committee.
many brothers and sisters are wondering when will the end come?
we were supposed to live in the last days of the last days as brother lett told a couple of years ago.
No chance and a wast of energy.
this is my first time posting to this forum.
let me start by saying i was born and raised as a jehovah’s witness.
i’m thankful that i was raised this way, because i feel it protected me in some ways, especially with regard to moral issues.
i’ve been invited to the dedication at chelmsford.. it’s crazy here, several thousand ex bethelites here for lots of events.
all hotels booked.
big marquee.
Is Chelmsford branch not build on a former waste dump?
Seems to remember this from a message long ago.