Beth, they told people it was commendable if they sold their homes to live off the proceeds till the big A. At that time, they made a lot of money on sales of literature. Since the literature is now free, that is when they started guilting people into giving money. Either way, they were after money. Charlatans, they belong in prison.
Posts by Biahi
1975 selling of houses
by Paul Bonanno inas 1975 was approaching, many witnesses sold their property.
do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?.
Watchtower online religion
by Hellothere inif watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
Maybe, no more elders, just someone to order literature and distribute it. Everything will become a “conscience matter”. So, avoiding holidays, blood transfusions, flag salute, etc. you could just use the conscience matter ‘get out of jail free’ card. No more disfellowshipping, just give money. JMHO
Escaping from the Witnesses.
by Lost in the fog ina good article from a brave woman.. .
Good article ! 👍🏻
List of Things We Were NOT Allowed To Do as JW's
by Sea Breeze inhere's my list of jw no-no's as i recall: .
1. no giving or accepting valentine candy for students.
2. no going to home coming football games.
I never got to go to games or dances.
Dirt floors in Africa, Ultra modern Towers in Indonesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmatthew 19:21. jesus said to him, “if you will to be perfect, go away, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.”.
jw family tanzania - bukombe kingdom hall.
nothing like attending your local kingdom hall in africa with dirt floors, tarps as a roof, brutal heat with no air-conditioning, and small wooden benches to sit on after a hard days work.. does the society help this congregation in africa with a suitable kingdom hall that would have the local members more comfortable with these unbearable conditions?.
I mistakenly hit the dislike, Joao, sorry.
The length of a public talk
by Farmer Jim1 indoes anyone ever wonder the good they could have done instead of giving a public talk for 45 or 30 minutes?
i remember giving my first public talk aged 18 and even then i was thinking ' this is just me making up half truths trying to blind people with jw propaganda'.
fast forward 15 years to when i gave my final public talk and i was so close to seeding the 30 minutes with ideas that could possibly wake people up but i never had the guts.. in that 30 minutes i could have done so much real good for a person instead of spreading this awful religions dogma.
I agree with Blondie, as they lose more and more ‘servants’ they will use the videos for most talks. 🤷♀️
List of Things We Were NOT Allowed To Do as JW's
by Sea Breeze inhere's my list of jw no-no's as i recall: .
1. no giving or accepting valentine candy for students.
2. no going to home coming football games.
Make a shorter list…list all the things they ARE allowed to do.
Former Elders Please - Disbeliever recently married to a JW
by doasthouwilt ini recently married my best friend of 32 years.
she is a life-long jw and once an active pioneer, i am a 'worldly' person through-and-through, always will be.
we married because it was the only way we could find a way of staying together while giving her a path back to her religion ultimately, which she does not want to (or cannot) let go of.
I was in Monaco right before the pandemic hit, I LOVED it. Beautiful country.
1975 selling of houses
by Paul Bonanno inas 1975 was approaching, many witnesses sold their property.
do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?.
I’ve mentioned d this before, but I was at the district assembly in summer of 1976, in Chicago. Fred Franz was there to give a talk. He shook his finger at the audience and said that nothing happened in 1975 because “You wanted something to happen.” I remember thinking that he was a f**king liar. I wanted out so bad, I was only 16 then. 😕
You can [not] trust the Brothers, wt study this week
by waton infor the lucid lurkers: # 37. the article's examples really show, that among the 'name people' only 50 % of rank and file, and none of the leaders can be trusted all the time.
but, shut up and put up.. eli and hannah, eli's sons committed gross sins, raping/ seducing woman visitors to the temple, for years, yet naive worshippers are to trust their brothers, even with their children ?
inaction by wt approved?
Long Hair Gal, what happened at that memorial? Some stranger just came up out of nowhere, and asked you for money? Did she state an amount? Or she’d be happy if you just handed her 5 or 10 bucks?