Most GOP congressmen and senators are against abortion…until their mistress gets pregnant.
Posts by Biahi
Roe vs Wade Overturned by US Supreme Court!
by Simon ini know there was a leak a few weeks back, but this really does seem to have come out of the blue.. the anomaly was the original decision.
it clearly had no basis in law or the constitution, and was a flimsy, ridiculous ruling.
plus the whole thing was based on a fraudulent case in the first place..
Has Anyone Had any JWs PHYSICALLY Put Their Hands On You (And Not Within A Family Unit Situation)?
by HiddlesWife ini was asking the above question because a pomo friend of my family told me about an incident involving her and a couple of dubs who were physically abusive in the past.. a single sister who was running around from one cong to another cong looking for a husband.
she was visiting my friend's cong for less than a year.
there was a commuter bethellite bro who was very friendly towards my friend (which i'll call her "q") and her fam members.
Is the light getting brighter on this?
by Longlivetherenegades incan you identify or show the difference in the group of words labelled a and b. a. last part of that last day.... year 1967 .
b. shortly before the last day of the last days..... year 2020 .
is the light getting brighter or going into darkness?
ALL babies are "little enemies of God"...
by BoogerMan instraight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast:
ALL babies are "little enemies of God"...
by BoogerMan instraight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast:
IMHO the finest TV interview with Ex-JW's ever broadcast!
by Terry inquite effective and enjoyable.
I had that Peter Gregerson one on a cassette tape (since lost). I also had one on cassette by Jerry Bergman, on it he spoke about a district assembly, where it was very hot, and at least one baby was left in the sun to sleep, and the baby died. When the Chairman was asked to make an announcement for mothers to keep the babies out of the sun, they were told they can’t waste “precious microphone time” for frivolous announcements. I had a worldly friend in the car when I was listening to this. To this day, he mentions this as a horrible thing, that JWs are horrible people, and the extreme lack of love among them. I guess they will never make a convert out of him. Ha!
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Watchtower July 22 - JWs being interrogated need to muzzle their mouths
by Listener inthe watchtower has printed a disturbing article about self control and gives this instruction to the r & f .
self-control also allows us to remain silent when opposers try to trick us into revealing things that could endanger our brothers and sisters.
this might occur when we are being interrogated by the police in a land where our work is banned or restricted.
Experiences with kiss up kick down Jehovahs witnesses
by hoser in
i’ll go first.. in a previous congregation we had a pioneer couple that have since gone on to be gilead graduates and are now either in circuit work or translation.
they checked all the boxes off the societies list so they were exemplary.
Watchtower July 22 - JWs being interrogated need to muzzle their mouths
by Listener inthe watchtower has printed a disturbing article about self control and gives this instruction to the r & f .
self-control also allows us to remain silent when opposers try to trick us into revealing things that could endanger our brothers and sisters.
this might occur when we are being interrogated by the police in a land where our work is banned or restricted.
Brilliant Artwork ex Reddit
by Slidin Fast in.