Hunger Games, too.
Posts by Biahi
Donald Sutherland RIP. THE Donald
by Slidin Fast incertainly amongst the best actors ever.
probably the best.
kelly's heroes and don't look now a couple of my favourites.
My guess for August WatchTower: GB claims we're in beginning stages of Great Tribulation due to World governments turning on JW's
by WingCommander inthe september watchtower has already been released and is being discussed over on reddit.
some highlights: .
1. more hitting the flock on total reliance and obedience to god's representatives on earth today, the f&ds (the governing body, of course).
Yes, I think the “great tribulation “ they are preparing for, is their vile practices of CSA coverups coming to light, the “instructions” are to be not to watch the news, or read newspapers because it is all “apostate lies”. Keep your head buried in the sand.
Where is Tony?
by Athanasius inon february 22, 2023, anthony morris iii was officially removed from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
a few months later it was revealed that the watchtower bought him a house in lumberton, north carolina.. however, and correct me if i am wrong, since leaving the gb nobody has reported seeing tony attending jw meetings or participating in field service.
in fact nobody has reported seeing him anywhere, not even at a local liquor store.
I’ll bet Robert Hendricks knows, I wish he would talk.
Yesterday's Public Talk: '' Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdom Realities''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy brother ( an elder ) calls me every time he's assigned a public talk.
he believes listening to zoom meetings is a great start, to eventually attending in-person meetings.
the talk is titled : '' reject worldly fantasies, pursue kingdom realities.
Sea Breeze, you are so right! They are earning their own salvation RIGHT NOW by going to the meetings, going out in service, helping with various cleaning or construction. Nothing about a relationship with Christ.
i was called on this morning
by stan livedeath infor the first time in ages.. a very elegantly dressed senior lady and a young chap.
but--it wasnt just having a leaflet thrust at me--it was a full blown "old style" presentation.
i stopped her going to far into it--by asking if they are jws--and told them i was an apostate.
Weird, you think they would run away from an apostate. 🤷♀️ I wish they would come to my house, but I haven’t seen them here in years, and I live very near to a K H.
Jehovah’s Witnesses fail to get state recognition in Lithuania
by AndersonsInfo in,in%20favour%2c%20and%20three%20abstained.
jehovah’s witnesses fail to get state recognition in lithuania.
news2024.06.06 13:46. lithuanian lawmakers on thursday denied state recognition to the lithuanian jehovah’s witnesses religious community.. in total, 88 mps voted against granting jehovah’s witnesses state recognition, two were in favour, and three abstained.. according to the seimas, this community does not comply with the lithuanian constitution and its requirement that religious teachings and rituals be in accordance with the law and integrity.. the resolution says that the religious teaching of jehovah’s witnesses prohibiting blood transfusions is incompatible with the constitutional right to life of a human being and the right to state-guaranteed medical aid.. it also says that the community’s teaching prohibiting participation in the defence of the state with weapons or contribution to the defence of the state by non-military means encourages non-compliance with the constitution and its requirements to defend the state against a foreign armed attack.. read more:,in%20favour%2c%20and%20three%20abstained.
I’m just wondering, how many JWs are in Lithuania?
How Much Damage Would You Assess?
by Sea Breeze injust as there is no such thing as a christian who worships satan, there is no such thing as a christian outside of the new covenant “for the forgiveness of sins”.
and he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, drink ye all of it, for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
- mt.
Thanks, Sea Breeze! 🙏🏻
Looking for audio and video programs of Assembly and Convention
by AugustusDog inhello, i am wondering if anyone has clear recording if it from the cd that the branch gave or clear radio without static of the entire convention and circuit assembly program in audio.
i love to listen to them because i drive a lot and always love what they have but missing the others in my collections of audio and at night time the videos whichs sometime helps me to go to sleep.. circuit assembly and special assembly day program.
1984-1985 ca be stabilized in the faith.
Don’t be inactive due to work and medical issues, be inactive because IT IS NOT THE TRUTH! It is a harmful cult!
Looking for audio and video programs of Assembly and Convention
by AugustusDog inhello, i am wondering if anyone has clear recording if it from the cd that the branch gave or clear radio without static of the entire convention and circuit assembly program in audio.
i love to listen to them because i drive a lot and always love what they have but missing the others in my collections of audio and at night time the videos whichs sometime helps me to go to sleep.. circuit assembly and special assembly day program.
1984-1985 ca be stabilized in the faith.
In case you are not aware, this site is full of Jehovah’s Witnesses who left the faith, no longer believe, and some are disfellowshipped. Others of us are just plain apostates. Keep reading here, though, you might learn something!
Education video this midweeks meeting
by jehovaxx inthere is an item this week all about yang ones leaving school.. the two brothers go to a career advisor seminar.
one brother thinks it’s good to work hard full time while you are young and tries to encourage his friend to as well.. his friend (who is the good jw trust the gb no matter what they say)) he wants a part time job.. the video shows him dreaming about investing his money on his phone and the chart goes up, he drives a nice car and seems to be doing well financially.. then he reads the scripture in proverbs and next you see that investment chart go down in the red and he is so pleased he just got a low paid part time job.. this infuriates me.
how many of us are now struggling because we were told to get menial part time jobs and we were told the end would have been here by now.. i will never tell a young person to listen to the gb advice on this.
TxNVSUE, they want everyone else in poverty, but not them. They are evil a**holes.