JoinedTopics Started by 20yearfader
They really look after their older ones
by 20yearfader inmy aunt was a very attractive woman and it's hard sitting back and watching time rob her of her beauty and memories,but time has nothing on her so called christian brothers and sisters.her husband died about 10 years ago and she started dating an elder that claimed he always loved her since they were kids in the organization.he looks like that thing that was running around in the lord of the rings but what can you do?the courtship lasted 8 years, a couple of times i would stop by to see her and he would be over there in the late evenings with all lights in the house off,which i thought was odd but these people are in their early 60s and i haven't been to a hall in years so it was none of my concern.even if i was still in i wouldn't have said anything anyway.. growing up my aunt was always known in the family as being the air head.so it didn't surprise me when i learned that a couple of years ago the brother married another woman that was 10 years his junior,because you see even if you look like gollum in the hall brothers still have their pick of the litter so to speak.i think that whatever was holding her together snapped at this point,she started wandering around the neighborhood at night showing up at meetings with her make-up all over her face and her clothes backwards or inside out,then she started forgetting things and babbling about things that made no sense,a couple of times i found her wandering and i would pick her up and get her something to eat cause she would forget to eat a lot of times.. around this time pictures starting getting around the congregations with her looking a mess in her clothes and make-up.one of my other aunts stumbled upon the photos and she was one of the ones that alerted the rest of the family about her condition along with me (my word carries very little weight since i don't attend the hall) anyway we got her to a doctor and it was found that she has alzheimer's and it was time to settle her affairs as such.
last week as i was moving out her furniture and other items since her house is going to be sold my cousin tells me that the bank employees that my aunt used knew her elder friend very well and that her always came with her to the bank to withdrawl money.they wouldn't tell her how much was withdrawn but they nodded their heads when she said was it thousands of dollars?.
hearing this i get pissed to the highest level of pisstivity if there is such a thing.i tell my mom since she is so buddy buddy with the guy and she goes ballistic he is a servant of jehovah how dare you,there isn't any proof and innocent until proven guilty it was only until i told her that she better pray that i remain calm and not give into the anger that i feel and take a little trip to her congregation and pull him from the stage and beat the shit out of him that got her to shut up.only in a cult like this can you defend and she blamed her sister for the whole incident,my aunt was child like when he was making those trips with her to the bank cause at this point she doesn't even know who she is so he had to have seen the evidence of her condition long before we did.. i really hate this religion i've been gone for over 25 years and it still has a way of getting at you thanks for letting me vent.
If the society started posting dfs and dAs on it's website
by 20yearfader ini remember as a kid always hearing my mother saying "i wish the society would announce dfs and das to all the congs in the circuit" if the wt would ever do this like post all the dfs and das and inactive witnesses on there website how would this effect you?would it open them up to some sort of legal action?.
The watchtower is making some dangerous enemies
by 20yearfader inthis weekend i spent time with a friend that i haven't seen since high school,that would be 22 years.he grew up the same way i did being a born in.he and i both received our share of beatings related to the wt org coming to the hall without a song book not getting a comment low hours in field service etc....where we differ is the fact that his stepdad was beating him with his fist i got the belt or a stick.he would come to school with black eyes due to his infractions with the hall.after we left schoo we lost touch since he was still living at home an going to the meetings and i wasn't, kicked out at 17 so that ending my time with the org.he stayed at home until 21 still getting his fair share of beatings due to any sort of failing that had to do with the org.he left after one beating and joined the marines,he was dfed.while in the marines he told me he asked an got sniper training becoming a deadly shot,he also told me he always volunteered for the most dangerous missions.i can see that he was doing this to escape the pain of his upbringing even to his subconscious mind secrectly hoping to die on one of these missions.he tells me he has some sort of nerve disability that will progress until he cant walk,he has hearing loss due to a grenade going off by his head'he knows one day he will be in a wheelchair disabled it's only a matter of time.he hasn't spoke to his mother and his family in over 20 years they care nothing about him not even returning the calls he leaves on there answering machine,he told me he calls once a month for the past 20 years.sitting here at my house he says out of the clear blue you know i've thought a lot about going to brooklyn and with the skills i have i could do a lot of damage to those men that have ruined my life.i talked him out of it i think,i told him about this site where he could come to vent,because i think he needs to vent badly.i don't know what will happen to him when he is told his quality of life will get worse and if he will revisit the idea of lashing out at what he thinks has ruin his life,i don't know what he will do and even though i think i talked him out of doing anything,can i really say i blame him.i'm in the same boat my family is fractured broken all because of some men,men in brooklyn that hold more control over my family than i can,i wonder do thay ever think about the countless people that they affect with there shunning methods how many broken families they leave in there wake.i will say one thing there are many others out there that think the way my friend does i feel it's only a matter of time before karma comes a knocking..
just heard that it is possible to make a gun using a 3d printer is this star trek or what?
by 20yearfader inon the radio today i heard that it is possible to make toys and guns using a 3d printer.is everything in star trek becoming reality?give some examples of things that we use today that were thought up on the star trek series..
My Jw mother hates me and always has
by 20yearfader ini just need to vent,you see i was a born in.it's taken me 20 years after fading from the org to finally get my mind free from the wt dogma.i was on the phone with my aunt today and the subject of my mother her older sister came up.now mind you i haven't spoken to my mother in a month or so after my daughter stayed the weekend at her house and she was being tag teamed about the hall and how i took a vow to jehovah and i'm a failure and i'll be destroyed at armagedon.this exchange upset my daughter so much that she was near the point of tears when she returned home and she hasnt spoken to my mother or father since.anyway back to the conversation with my aunt,she let it slip that my mother told her that she wished she had let the seamen that fertilized the egg that produced me had slid down her legnno bear in mind i can remember as a child running into her room playing and she would say to me as a 7 year old child "i wished i had left you in oblivion"this is one of many such saying my mother had for me......i wasn't a bad child i just wasn't allowed to do anything such as going outside going over a friends house....etc,i have struggled for years as to why this woman hates me so.i got baptized at 15 really as a way of pleasing them what the hell does a child know at 15??
?granted it took me some time to get myself together and put those hurtful comments in the past,but today when my aunt let it slip about what my mother has said about me it was like pulling a scap off of a wound.my wife always complains about how im emotionless and distance,this was done by me as a way of protecting myself.so i've decided and i hate to say this that my christian god fearing parents...are dead to me there is no way i can have a relationship with people that are so wicked and since she never wanted me anyway....it works out for the best thx i just needed to vent i felt like i was going to pop..
What scripture was it that let an average joe know that they were annointed?
by 20yearfader injust curious to know which scripture that let an average person know that they were of the annointed and what did it mean to you?.
I almost wished i took the blue pill....
by 20yearfader insince joining this site and having my eyes opened,i find i'm now dealing with a lot of emotions that were suppressed.one being the passing of loved ones,in the org we were discouraged from showing proper emotions due to the fact that if you did you were considered weak since they the dearly departed were only sleeping.now im being bombarded with dreams of my loved ones that i,due to my brainwashing never had the emotional release that i should have had.i'm just wondering how others on this site are coping,and dealing with the fact that everything we was taught was false almost as a way to keep up under control,as we lost years and decades of time.i almost wish i keep my head and the sand and had taken the blue pill.what has helped you all deal with this ...new religion......no religion...etc.