ha, you said, intercourse. correcta-munda sir.
you also said $%^&*%^
note: i will attempt to make my attitude as well as my language in regard to this subject in compliance with simon's wishes to keep the profanity at a minimum.
for those who have read my posts before you know how hard that will be for me.. i am really mad.
those gosh darn jw's have gone too far.
ha, you said, intercourse. correcta-munda sir.
you also said $%^&*%^
on the net you see many talk about 1975 and how it affected so many.
obviously, some left the organization when nothing happened in 1975. were you personally affected by 1975?
has the fixing of dates been a major reason for your disappointment with the witnesses?
'75 was bad enough but the "not-so-new-anymore" teaching of the generation floored me. i still haven't recovered. someone, "help! i've fallen and i can't get up!"
i've been thinking about this and just want to present to all, what are the implications of stepping on an ant in the "new system/paradise earth?
" -bring in all of your vast knowledge of everything you "know" about the ns.
this question goes a lot deeper than just a cursory perusal and response.. i have my ideas, but i will save my opinions (i just don't want to sit here for the next hour typing it all up).
i've been thinking about this and just want to present to all, what are the implications of stepping on an ant in the "new system/paradise earth?" -bring in all of your vast knowledge of everything you "know" about the NS. this question goes a lot deeper than just a cursory perusal and response.
i have my ideas, but i will save my opinions (i just don't want to sit here for the next hour typing it all up). i just want to hear your ideas.
think fast
thank you wts, that will be another $50,000 in damages.
a total of 5520 hours.
even if it were guarenteed that i would never got caught, i still wouldn't do it. i would however mockingly return it to him/them and have some form of proof that i did return. and say something like "see what a person like me can do."
if there was/were a login/passwd combo to servers running at watchtower.org that would be a bit different. i wouldn't steal anything per-se, but i would snoop and of course download there authentication files and run a craker program against it.
if i could go through the process of legally sueing them for compensatory wages from a profession I would rather be in, i would. but i know they would use their crafty machinations to swindle me anyway again, so what's the use?
Edited by - thewiz on 12 August 2002 19:7:26
i want to look at the possiblity of whether people, at least in theory, could be resurrected.
when i was a witness i could see a major problem with the concept of a resurrection,as understood by the society.trouble is i found it hard to explain to people, and only others who had thought of it themselves seemed to understand.
basicly if a person dies, and you resurrect that person by copying all his parts exactly is that the same person coming back to life or, a new person with the same memories and feelings?well to me its only the same person if they have continuity of existance.
i look at it this way
first we had writng or painting or images, etc -so we could read/see the thoughts of an individual long since dead
then we have pictures of people along with their writings who are now long since dead
then we have recording devices to hear a person long since dead
then we have moving images of people long since dead
then moving images and voice of people long since dead
i think you get the idea by now.
each step is getting a little bit closer to bringing someone back and if the progrees keeps going who knows
all for remembering reconstructing or, if you will, resurrecting.
a/the quest for immortality.
a reunion perhaps, a party, a beautiful view shared with an equally stunning partner, what was ever, the happiest moment in your life?
how did you find this emotion, exactly what did it feel like, can you remember and perhaps share your sentiments here with the rest of us?
please take us there with you.. celtic mark - cornwall uk.
did i miss something?
no one said leaving the borg?
oh mine? it has happened yet
it's my death (i'm in a dark period, leave me alone -should take up painting huh? like Van Gogh, paint for 10 years, see a one legged prostitute, cut off part of ear, walk out into a field, and blast myself in the chest).
it's the endless peace i crave.
i am shocked and outraged by the recent actions of the watchtower society to silence child advocates who's only agenda is to stop the rape and molestation of jehovah's witness children and protect them from the known pedophiles operating within the organization.
those in the organization who are responsible for these reprehensible actions must be sanctioned.
i sincerely hope that voting members of the watchtower society will insist on the removal of all corporate directors who support the current policies that harm children and protect pedophiles.
i was under the impression that the "real" person running the show was a bro. (Karl?) Adams
the sad thing is that most will believe what they are told (by the WTB&TS), because it is easier to handle/assimilate the info that way. "everyone else is wrong/apostate. they got to be, i mean..." - understand/see what i mean?
again i remind people, watch the made for TV movie of animal farm, for the most part everyone will do as they are told and be complacent. it's just less stressful. it's easier to deal with the "fact" that someone who "cares" about you is handling things.
at work last week, i was sitting in the break room doing some of my paperwork, there was a couple worldly girls sitting at a table--penny and lisa, then walked in sister tammie, and sat beside them.
i rolled my eyes as i normally do, for sister tammy is the dub of all dubs, always at the hall, always leaving awake rags all over the place, always looking for converts..... okay, i'm there trying to act inconspicuous, for sister tammie is a sister in law to my ex-dumb dub boyfriend, and well, i'm pretty much now satanic in nature to all in that particular congreg.
for what extremes i had to go to, to get him out of my life...but me easedropping on their conversation, at times is amusingly worth it.. "so, how did the doctor's appt.
i have heard of women catheterizing themselves (not douching) and giving their bladders a colonic with cranberry juice (not that i would recommend it, to me it is unusual/extreme) and not one was a JDub. and i heard it works. want to get rid of cystitis real quick, i heard that is one treatment that many would rather take. Of course precautions would have to be taken regarding cleanliness and sterility as well as the concentration of the solution.
note, i am not recommending a form of treatment. a person would have to go to a proper source and follow procedures correctly. i'm just generalizing.
i'm not questioning your intelligence target, i'm just upset that people have this narrow view that "this-and-that" (or whatever arguement is being made) ONLY pertains to Jdubs, and it doesn't. that it is ONLY a Jdub concept, and it isn't.
it is the basic question of "why are JDubs like this?" -when half the entire world could be doing the same thing. that when Jdubs do something, some how some way, many on these forums will confine the issue as if it is only relevant to JDubs as if it only applies to them.
ok, just kidding.
i like you dude and i'm not trying to start a fight or make enemies here.
but i do have to bring this up.
what the hell is/are a/ mullet/s? -long hair?
is this the sign of the beast???.
i can remember my cousin-in-law and her boyfriend, born-agains living in an illicit relationship (co-mon' i just had to add that), saying that the mark of the beast was a bar code tattooed on the skin somewhere. this is going back about 14 years ago.