They'd be better off keeping quiet and hoping that most would miss seeing the program especially as it falls on a meeting night. Saying "keep away" is the biggest enticement to watch it or even record it and watch it later.
this last weekend, there was a circuit assembly (one day) for our area.
the guy from new york, who was the main speaker, warned those in attendance about a television program, coming up, that attempts to discredit them, but 'remember that those who are on the show, are apostates'.. the one who told about it, was very anxious to see the show.
it might backfire on them.
They'd be better off keeping quiet and hoping that most would miss seeing the program especially as it falls on a meeting night. Saying "keep away" is the biggest enticement to watch it or even record it and watch it later.
author/s: william g. hollingsworth.
issue: july, 1998. despite optimistic forecasts of falling birthrates in the developed world, high fertility in asia, africa, and the middle east remains a threat to the planet's resources.. about 1,500,000 people--roughly a new milwaukee, wis.--are being added to the world's population every week of the year, fueling an ongoing debate over the present and future implications of population growth.
I tried to post yesterday but my connection got severed just as I was posting and lost it all.
About 20 years ago JW public speakers suggested that the world's entire human population number about 20-25 billion in all history of which 4 billion were alive. Based on utilizing every bit of desert and tundra the Earth might be able to support a population of such a size.
However, the total human population is estimated at 100 billion (Popular Science, March 2002) of which 6% is alive today. If only 6 million JWs survived Armageddon tomorrow there could still be a resurrected population of over 90 billion people. With that population people would have to be housed in densely populated cities just like today. Forgeting about the industry needed to support a huge transport system the Earth would still need a vast network of roads and railroads to distribute food evenly. So forget about being able to live in a rural agricultural community looking like New England in the foot-hills of Mount Fuji as portrayed by the Watchtower. It aint gonna happen.
At least the Mormon idea of individual planets to inherit helps with the logistics of a massive next-life populations.
this is over a 1000 down over last month, which mirrors other years.. nothing much to report in this month's kingdom ministry, just the usual crap of study more, preach more and attend all the meetings; oh, and give us more money.. dmouse .
judge me by my size do you?
- yoda
It has been nearly seven years since I left the UK. I have a couple of KMs from 1995 and one includes the Feb service report for that year. During my absence things have really declined. Comparing Februaries:
Spl Pios down 7
Pios down 300
Aux Pios down 716
Pubs down 817
Total down 1840
Hours are down across the board and Bible Studies don’t seem to be conducted anymore. Only one in five publishers count a monthly Bible Study and that includes family studies.
What I notice though is a dramatic increase in magazine placements (average up from 7.8 to 12.1). Is this all that field service consists of, giving away free magazines? Has the reprinted issue on terrorism affected the totals?
Despite being a short month there are still 4 weekends in February and this is CA season. So why only 123 baptized? That number represents about 0.5 persons per congregation attending a CA or special assembly day that month. Aren’t kids getting baptized anymore?
wow... i feel guilty about even being here, let alone posting my story.
but here goes.... it was back in the late 60's that my dad (actually stepdad who adopted me and my older sister when he married our mother) got witnessed to by a guy that he worked with.
he was invited to our house for dinner along with his wife and that was the beginning of my new life.
This is the first time I have seen your post, I seem to have mnissed a lot recently.
I hope I can get to meet you in the near future (at Gopher's event). Until then if you ever want to talk just e-mail me and we can exchange phone numbers. I am not that far from you (distance, age or experience-wise).
jehovah's witnesses act against abuse-policy critics .
by peter smith .
It gets even better. CNN are reporting this as well now. It's about time too, but better late than nver.
hi everyone,.
i am a new poster who is putting off their own personal story of finding this site for a while..... i find alot of people here utterly fascinating, and would like to know..... exactly what is everyones professional field of work?.
i would like to be a full time poster on this forum, but alas, the $$$$ are quite light in that field of work.. apologies if this has been asked before.. just curious.
Hey, I've been rather busy lately and haven't been around here (or anywhere) between meetings and answering e-mail I've forgotten what I am supposed to do. Most days I go home wondering if I actually did anything. Am I alone in this?
I attended three meetings today, spent the first hour this morning preparing for the first one. Had lunch during the second meeting. Before the third meeting I had an impromptu meeting with three colleagues while we figured out a design issue with batch credit card processing. During the final meeting we agreed to meet again but only after I met with a key person to discuss customs and excise issues. Finally, I had an e-mail from a department manager saying she had signed off on a change I had coded. I updated the log, promoted my changes (3 minutes of effort) and went home. I guess I did one thing afterall today.
Surely it's not an AS400 you are moving to? I thought they were all iSeries machines now. Anyway, RPG rules, the extinct any day soon (sound familiar?) language that began in 1961 as an 80 column fixed format punchcard language is now completely free format. I am convinced its IBM's way of converting RPG programmers to C coders via incremental steps.
would witnesses do anything they are told?.
what do you think?if the gb came out with a new policy, such as you must now spit at people who dont take the mags off you on the ministry, and give some obscure scripture to prove it.. would the witnesses do it?
or would they twig something is not right?.
I've asked this myself and wonder how far JWs would go. They are prepared to sacrifice children over the blood doctrine. They do believe that God kills innocent children as when the Bible claims God directed the Israelites to kill men, women and children, all of them, no survivors. They believe that God is going to kill 99.9% of the world's population including babies and children.
With such extreme and immoral views I wonder if in desperation for something the happen, the "spirit directed" leadership said in a letter to all congregations that JWs are being directed to further the work and initiate God' action and this includes burning down churches of Babylonish religions.
I doubt all would follow such directives but some would. However, such commands and directives would leak via the Internet long before such actions could be taken. The leaders would be foolish to attempt to coerce such extreme measures.
hi friends,.
i thought that the following article was rather interesting, just thought i'd share it with you all.
(mirror newspaper is a prominemt national newspaper here in the uk).
May I add my bit on the "good old days" from a ex-pat Brit.
I grew up in an industrialized city when most working-class househoulds still burnt coal. I remember when I was young that we had switched over to coke, later to coal-gas and then everyone converted to natural gas. Pollution was so bad in the 1950s that people died from smog. In December 1952 3,500 to 4000 people died in London as a direct result of the fog. In the winter of 1962/63 the smog in the city where we lived was so bad that traffic was brought to a halt. My oldest brother had to be led home in a group by an assigned 6th former at 4:30 P.M. in near zero visibility conditions.
We used to (7 of us) drive around in a big (medium-sized at best in US terms) sedan with no seatbelts. It was so rusty at 9 years old that it had large patches of fibreglass and resin holding body panels together. On one journey a rear wheel came apart because it had deteriorated so bad. (Dad told mom it was a puncture so as not to worry her.)
We had a bathroom in our house but no indoor toilet until 1966. Some school friend's home had a galvanized tub that set up each week in front of a fire to bath in. I remember growing up an only bathing twice a week. Ewww! I know.
On Saturday nights we'd watch the "Black and White Minstrel Show" where all the male singers were white who blacked their faces. We saw nothing wrong about that.
At school, kids were beaten with rulers, canes and sneakers. I remember (3rd grade) one kid being beaten mercilessly by the headmaster. He boasted that the kid had shrieked and wailed at his earlier beating in his office.
My dad still laments about the "good old days" but I tell my son that life has never been so good. I am right.
one of my sons are hunting me widh a bokk from some david icke, someone now what the messege is, wierd too me, but i dont understand so much it is on i can see i will tel a story of evel cospiration on earth from a few peopel.. perhaps someone here can help mee.
David Icke is a former professional soccer player and sports show anchor for the BBC. He joined the Green Party in the UK and became a leading spokesman for the party. He then abruptly announced he was the son of God and became easy fodder for the tabloid press and has been the butt of new-age jokes ever since. He never regained his reputation as serious thinker or advocate of political opinion and most people think is a crackpot. At least I do.
lol sorry i am feeling fluffy tonight .
mulan started it!!!!!!!.
coke for me....the real thing or nothing!
I choose Pepsi.
Unfortunately, product loyalty is abandoned when the Pepsi machine rejects my crumpled dollar bill but the Coke machine next to it accepts it.
Strange but true.