I delete on average two e-mails each day that contain a large attachment that comes from multiple sources including, apparently, "Simon", and "Admin" at I used to use Outlook Express to open my hotmail but because of virus infected attachments being automatically downloaded I just use Hotmail on-line and delete all 127K e-mails without opening them.
I thought this was malicious at first but I think there is someone who frequents this board whose PC is infected and Outlook sends e-mail to everyone in their address book, using different headers, and always including an infected file.
Make sure your virus checker is updated regularly and try not to use Outlook if possible. I hope this helps and please be wary of large e-mail from supposedly known sources.
PS If anyone wishes to e-mail me please do not include attachments as I delete all e-mail larger than 50k without reading it.
Edited by - thirdson on 20 July 2002 21:44:58