In your dream!
In your dream!
...that men are not allowed to grow beards?.
i don't know if this is true where you live, but where i used to live, it was against "policy" for brothers to have beards.
any man who did have one was looked down upon.
I had always wanted to wear a nice pants suit at the meeting. What do you think, guys? Sisters in pants suits, don't you think they'd look more professional and serious just like the WTS wants them to look?
"is the very fact of their seeming success".
is your statement above a dillemma?
back to the point in a few words state "the dillemma" from the start and then elaborate.
one, are you a former JW? If you are, you would know what was like becoming and being a JW. Not that all were happy moments but at one time we all thought the WTS was the only true org. of God. Many are still believing it because they focus on the good side of the org. Once you become one of JWs, your life as a defender of the WTS begins. I did it, too, for over 12 years. I know what it's like. I thought my defence would win all the time. But I got to see the other side of the org. just like many of the posters here. So I made my decision to get out. However, not everyone makes that kind of decison. Read You Know's comment in http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=32867&site=3. He is not ignorant. I think he knows what we see as non-JWs, but because he is an active JW currently, he has a duty to defend his position and the WTS. I understand that because I've done that before.
Don't be too mad at him. The WTS has been showing how unmerciful and uncompassionate they could be. Let's not be like them.
given your reaction to mr. andersons letter of resignation recently posted to this board, which seemed sympathetic, i would like to ask four questions of you, which of course you are at liberty not to answer.
1 ) how do you personally feel about the fact that the wts is now moving to disfellowship mr. anderson for writing that letter?.
2) if mr. anderson were to begin posting to this board, how would you view him?.
Thank you for your honest answer, You Know.....uhhh.....that is if you and H.S. don't mind me lurking around here. ;-)
You Know, I want you to know that none of us ( at least I ) here do not have any personal negative feeling toward you. We all are upset with the WTS, and you are just here with a pro-WTS idea. I think that's why some of us ( even I ) might have given you some not-so-pleasant remarks in the past.
I just got a call from my mom who is a reg. pioneer. She wants me to come back to the org. ( It's been only 20 days since I've DA'd myself. ) But I don't want to. I am tired of telling myside already. Like our Fred Hall, she thinks all this child abuse case including Bro.& Sis. Anderson, Bill Bowen and the victims is a lie: a scheme by apostates. In fact she thinks those people are Satan's pupets. ( sigh....) And at the same time she tells me to come back to "the God's organization." I don't know. When the org. itself calls those people "apostates" deserving judicial hearing and even getting DF'd, I don't think that org. has God's holyspirit. Because I know that God is merciful, loving and just. And I don't want to be a part of that org. But that was the choice given me by the elders at the last meeting. So I decided to DA myself because I knew that if I stay and keep that line of thought, I was sure I would get DF. So it was like I quit before they fired me. ;-)
Oh, well, I'm talking too much here. Sorry about that, You Know. ;-) I hope to read your posts more in the future.
Edited by - sunshineToo on 23 July 2002 16:12:40
if one wanted to be creative in disassociating one's-self..just how would you love to do it?
i think it would be a riot to hire a few stripping telegram singers to sing my letter instead of having it read from the platform..
anyone else?
noidea, you are a riot!!! :-D ha ha ha ha ha ha What an idea!!!!!
i was thinking about the time when i asked an elder about this because he said i had to give up smoking to become baptised,and i said that it doesnt specify in the bible that you cant smoke,he then said it defiles the flesh and that our bodies are a sacrifice to god i was puzzled because our flesh is already corrupted by sin,bacteria,pollution,etc.
he then said god will bring to ruin all those ruining the earth but think about it so does driving cars ruin the earth,he then said that gods will couldnt be accomplished worldwide without transport.but the disciples didnt use transport that polluted the earth and they managed ok,so im now thinkin how can a world wide preaching work be accomplished without ruining the earth today,well we have got the net,phones,mmm i let you all decide
Well, I'm afraid more LDS are using CARS these days.
You asked all those questions to an elder, haujobbz? Poor man ( the elder )! You really had him sweat!
I still believe in the biblical moral standard including smoking, getting drunk and etc. But regarding driving car......hmm....I guess I'll just get a smog check regulary and try to meet the standard of the state of California. ;-)
joe anderson thought you'd like to know what caused him to be invited to attend a judicial hearing held in his honor.
fyi, joe sent a copy of his resignation letter to two governing body members, dan sydlik and jack barr, men who joe and barbara were quite friendly with.
he thought that since so much time had passed since barbara's appeal letter was given to the local elders and nothing was happening to bill bowen or barbara, that maybe these gb members were holding things up because of receiving his letter and giving more thought to the whole issue.
Thanks, Littlebit, for this info.
I cannot believe that Joe was called for a judicial hearing. What kind of sin did he commit? I cannot believe the elders are going along with the WTS. ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want FBI to get involved in this case, and I wish the U.S. government shut down the WTS.
question from reader's.
my husband and i took the kids to the local dairy queen.
which is the proper term to use?
Is this article for real? Is this really in 10/15/02 Watchtower mag.?
If it is,....( sigh )...
They should have put:
Question from readers:" How many child molesters in JW organization?" or "How many predictions/prophecies by the WTS didn't come true?"
By the way I call those little things on icecream, "sprinkles".
found this posted and thought it should be brought to the attention of members ......... "from: [email protected] .
i have since had a chance to look into this matter.
the numbers are way off beam and appear to have been exaggerated by someone.
Also included on the list are those who have had underage sex, for example two consenting teenagers
Isn't this "fornication" , not child abuse, which is a totally different case? And we all know that the WTS doesn't mind reporting to police if the abuser is not a JW. They gave two evidences to Dateline.
the australian media are starting to take interest in the jw abuse stories..
the sunday program on channel nine wrote me and asked:.
i am currently looking into child abuse allegations in the jehovah's witness church.
You should contact Bill Bowen at www.silentlambs.org. Click on "EMail".