My dear Bleep,
Are you talking about those 23,720 pedos in the WTS HQ? Maybe they were never reported. ;-) However, one by one they are forced to face the consquences. I'm sure many of them repented, but when you broke the law , you have to face the consquences just like Jehovah said.
Just let you know, Bleep dear, I'm not saying that the repented pedos should get DF'd. I don't think they should get DF'd if, only if they truly repented. But they are obligated to abide the Caesar's law at this time. As you may know many pedos tend to have multiple victims. We should prevent it before we get another victim.
The WTS said that there are brothers, who were found guilty of pedophilia, still going door to door and holding positions as elders. The problem is, Bleep, they are told by the WTS that no one should know about this even the publishers in the congregation. This was told to me by the elders in my former congregation as well. I don't know how much you know about the pedophiles. But I understand that some of them are more serious - kind of like being mentally ill. I'm not going to go into details, but I think the WTS should change the policy. Other wise some one in your congregation might become the next victim.