My hubby said that the first time that he saw me at a meeting, he was sitting a couple of rolls behind me...I had my hair pulled back and he could see the shape of my neck...he said that he day-dreamed about kissing it!!! I hadn't met him yet! I didn't realize that he was thinking about that during a meeting!!! I thought it was funny! =;o)
JoinedPosts by Tinkerbell4125
Thinking about sex at the meeting?
by gilwarrior inwhen i went to the meetings, i couldn't concentrate, so i would daydream all the time.
i noticed that most of the time i would think about sex!
i would look at some of the young ladies and imagine having sex with them.
PUPPY TALK! - a fluffy topic
by TR inwhat kind of dogs to you people have, and describe their personalities.. i have two jack russell terriers(jrt) ans one black pomeranian.. god, the two jrts are a riot!
dudley is the older one(5) and is the boss.he is faster and stronger than edgar.
dudley generally let's edgar chew on him, but when dudley gets pissed, he kicks edgar's ass.
I have a pom and a golden retriver. They are spoiled rotten!!!!!! My babies! =;o) I love animals! We live in the country, so I have bird feeders out everywhere and in the summer time, I put out hummingbird feeders. I love to watch those little critters, they're amazing!
Whats wrong with this picture??
by Beck_Melbourne intook me a while to figure it out..
OH Beck, you scared the EVER-LIVING SHIT out of me!!!!!! I loved it!!!! lol
I love to scare peole too!!!!!
You're my kind of girl!!!! lol
We'll get along just fine!!!!!
Tink =:o) -
Chronic Problem
by nytelecom2 ini am beginning to thing that someone who sits.
near my office has a chronic gas problem.. he is an older sort of fellow, in his late.
he never admits anything.
I use to have a j.w. friend and her breath use to KNOCK ME OUT!!! I swear to you, it was the absolutely the worst smell that I have ever smelt!!! There's a medical name for it, but I can't think of it. This guy you're talking about definately has a problem!!! Too bad you don't have a window that you could open!!!! Why don't you, the next time he farts, walk by him and say, *Gosh Damn, what the HELL is that smell, MAN, ARE YOU FARTING!!!* then, I'd get some air freshner!!! Tink =;o)
Oh com'on!!!!!!! You mean to tell me that NO one out there has watched H.B.O.'s Six Feet Under??????
I just think it's a killer show, that's all! Oh well, I guess I could always bring up something about the whole j.w. just get's old to me, that's all. When it comes to my j.w. family, I'm gonna take what I can get! Not too close, but safe close, if that makes sense. *sigh*........oh well...........
I'm new here
by konkreetgurl inhey everybody, i'm a christian, but i'm not a jehovah's witness and i recently made friends with one, i know little to nothing about this religion and i would like to know more, can anyone help me out by way of how it is different from say, an evangelical free christian church?
and what sort of theology and doctrine jw's go by and such, i'd really appreciate it, thank you
As you can see, you've got some great responces! We've all come *out* of the *religion* *clearing throat* too speak....*cough* cult....
The Jehovah Witnesses mean well. But their in their own little world my friend. And I'm not trying to be ugly either, just laying it out there! I myself, born and raised as a j.w. Disassoiated myself, got j.w. family, non, disfellowshipped j.w. family. and alcohol and depression, suicide, all the good disfuntional bullshit that comes with being around Jehovah Witnesses.
May I ask what is your relationship with this person? I mean, is it more than a friendship attraction? If so, from one friend to the other, just be careful. Don't let yourself get sucked in, and if you choose to take on the role of *preaching* to her. All I can say is, Get yourself armed! Tink =;o)
by wonderwoman77 indid anyone watch????
i thought is was ok for the first one.
i love survivor though.
Six Feet UNDER, not Six Feet UNCLE....oh lord......sorry...
H.B.O.'s Six Feet Under!!! -
by wonderwoman77 indid anyone watch????
i thought is was ok for the first one.
i love survivor though.
WonderWoman, what did you think about the *Queen of Sheba* that sat upon the raft, while the others worked their asses off getting to shore!!! Man, I thought, that is NO WAY to start off little Miss Priness....running around flirting and showing her ass, I just want to slap her!!! lol I thought she would go first. Even though the dude that got voted off was pretty freaking wierd. Wonder, I'll keep us with ya on Survivor!!!!! LOL Tink =;o) -
by wonderwoman77 indid anyone watch????
i thought is was ok for the first one.
i love survivor though.
Well, I watched it, and I love it! It's my favorite too.........and H.B.O.'s Six Feet Uncle. That show is awesome!!!!