STOOOOOOOOOP posting pic's like that!!!! Don't you know some of us are sensitive!!!!
I gotta go lay down now! Tink =;o)
hey fry day & you know,.
how many "infidels" had to fry to bring these many smiles.
to the faces of you two, and all your brothers and sisters?.
STOOOOOOOOOP posting pic's like that!!!! Don't you know some of us are sensitive!!!!
I gotta go lay down now! Tink =;o)
my mother had been a faithful witness for 16 yrs, she got addicted to prescription drugs and things got very bad for her.
she overdosed one nite and was put in rehab.
she began smoking after rehab and was disfellowhipped for it, she got a letter in the mail .
opps....so sorry..in my post, i said my father *was* a j.w.
***correction*** my father was never a j.w.
I need to proof read...I know I know...sorry bout that!!!
my mother had been a faithful witness for 16 yrs, she got addicted to prescription drugs and things got very bad for her.
she overdosed one nite and was put in rehab.
she began smoking after rehab and was disfellowhipped for it, she got a letter in the mail .
After surviving my father's suicide, and coming out of the *truth*, I've finally found some peace. I deal with my j.w. and non-j.w family on and off. I've learned not to react to them anymore. I know their mind sit. I know their limits. Hell I know what their thinking and saying behind my back. I use to be just like them!!! I ex'ed myself a few years back when reality hit me in the face like a two-by-fore. It's a long story, but I will say....the elders have no training in dealing with the mentally ill...someone that suffers from depression. My father *who completed suicide* was always told and had the belief *even though he was a j.w.* that he was depressed because he wasn't spiritualy strong. If he would go to the meetings and quit smoking and bla bla bla, he wouldn't be depressed. Well, he would try it...for awhile....get a study going again...stop smoking...then stop and start all over again. Now I realize, now that I realize alot of things, I too suffer from depression, I have bpmd...I'm bi-polar and my father was also. Only back then, what the hell was bi-polar! His V.A. doctors would load him up with valium and he would wash them down with his friend jack. Needless to say, it didn't go well together. I could write a book! The time he got drunk and pissed off and knocked the one and only Christmas tree we ever had, over....tossed the t.v. out the front door...it rolled down the front lawn and the mailbox stopped it from rolling in the road! Oh the cherrished memories of my j.w. childhood. Mama would load us up in our station wagon and off we'd go to the kingdom hall!!!
Looking back, my mama did the best she could. She's dead now. My father should have been treated for depression and mood swings. My siblins should be in treatment with me, but to them I'm the *crazy* one because I went into treatment and in the process educated myself and learned about the org. The elders couldn't wait to get their hands on me. They were so pissed that I went to *worldly* doctors and not meet with them. It's a long story. Maybe one of these day's I'll have the strength to write about it, but for now, I've moved within a two hour distant from all of my family. I keep a low profile. Find some peace and contentment with my family here within these walls. I'm very thankful for this site. This has been a soft place to fall many times for me. Tink =:o)
since leaving the organism i have had a problem with emotional situations.
i have bee labeled "bp", for those that don't know what bp is.....it is bi-polar.
what i am finding is that anyone that shows a behavior that is not in the norm....they are labeled bp.. we are given lithium and a meriad of other me's to correct this "condition".
Dear Daze,
I sure hope you decide to stay! I assure you that I don't always make waves, but you are going to run into all kinds of people anywhere you go! I think we're all good and mean well, I think we've all been injured and sometimes this is a place to lash out and scream!
I don't know you that well, but I can understand how stessful it can be in dealing with the j.w. situation. Speaking for someone that is Bi-Polar, it can also be a possitive thing. Finding the right doctor and taking the right medications is also important. Also knowledge is power. I realize that I'm bi-polar and I've learned to take better care of myself. With the right medications, I've learned to actually learned to enjoy life. Life's hard for everybody, but learning to pace yourself and not beat yourself up and always read something negative into something that could be nothing at all! I've learned not to make everything out of a federal case and chill. I think my father was bi-polar before they ever had a name for it. I was never properly treated. Took valium and drank heavily until he got to old to do it anymore. After realizing he had lost respect of some family members and knew his health was getting worse, he took his life. If he and others like him is properly treated, suicide may not happen as often. It's important to educate others and stop the stigma that is associated with.
I hope you stick around! Let's us know how you're doing today!
Tink =:o)
it could be about your feelings towards the org.
or maybe how you feel about them or a situation.
yep, in one ear and out the other.
Girl, ease up on the tecilla!!!! =;o) just kidding!!!
who's not listening to you?????? tell us!
i think i know who you are referring to! hubby????? Tink =;o)
how old were you when you lost your virginity and was it all that you thought it would be?????.
i was 19, and my first time was a complete let down.
i envisioned that gothic romance motif, all about romance and love, i didn't know what i was doing, didn't know sex was like that.
It may be work like that, but now that I've learned to swim, I think I'd have to test the water before jumping in, if you know what I mean!!! Not that I'm a sex addict or anything, but when I DO want it, I wouldn't want to wait a year for it! =:o)
By the way, I was 21 and it was on my wedding night. I was a j.w. at the time and it was really important to me at that time to be a virgin. I will admit, we did get in trouble with the elders, because we made out alot and had to confess. I think the dirty old basters got off on me telling them how and what I did!
i just got a call from a very sweet sister from the kingdom hall, telling me that i am her householder for her talk tomorrow night.
i have not been to a meeting since november.
i have managed to avoid elder's calls.
my mother had been a faithful witness for 16 yrs, she got addicted to prescription drugs and things got very bad for her.
she overdosed one nite and was put in rehab.
she began smoking after rehab and was disfellowhipped for it, she got a letter in the mail .
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. My father took his life also. He put a gun to his head. My sister-in-law's brother shot himself in the head also after he learned he would be disfellowedshipped. My father was treated like dirt by the j.w.'s. His own children treated him like it was a effort and a anoance to even speak to him. Even though my father never was a j.w., they treated him like he should know better! He was very depressed and like your mother, it became to be too much for him. I will never be the same.
dont overstate matters.
the situation in oregon is a terrible tragedy.
the watchtowers policy on shunning likely contributed to the tragedy, it may have even been a primary factor but there are any number of other factors that could have contributed as well - too many to even mention!.
Well, I know it had something to do with my dad's suicide and my sister-in-laws brother! I wish that j.w.'s could see how shunning tears a family apart.
the little girl stands for your family within the organization all the attempts they will make to encourage you to come back and have their approval if you will just submit.
the best friend represents all those that you grew up with in the organization, people you have known all your life, those who you may see once a year at the district convention who rush up to you and are so happy to see you, they make you feel secure and a part of something.
the government agent symbolizes the organization that has desperate need of your services.