The only characters in this story that are morally repugnant are the ATF, the FBI, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied about a blow-job. He should have been impeached for the murders in Waco.
JoinedPosts by frozen2018
Waco Mini-Series on Netflix. Powerful and Scary.
by Simon inso we binge-watched the waco mini-series on netflix.. wow, what a powerful and enlightening programme!
even if you think you know what happened, it gives you extra context to it all.
it's very well done even if you just want a great drama series, but it's way more than that.. there are of course some dramatization and slight historical inaccuracies for the purpose of story-telling but it was very informative.
Waco Mini-Series on Netflix. Powerful and Scary.
by Simon inso we binge-watched the waco mini-series on netflix.. wow, what a powerful and enlightening programme!
even if you think you know what happened, it gives you extra context to it all.
it's very well done even if you just want a great drama series, but it's way more than that.. there are of course some dramatization and slight historical inaccuracies for the purpose of story-telling but it was very informative.
When the Waco tragedy occurred I was working in a remote, completely off the grid area of the planet. My co-workers and I had no real information as to what was happening in the States. We had snippets of news that made no sense. I got back to civilization a couple months after the fire. I remember watching videos of what looked like heavily armed soldiers, the tanks attacking the building, the fire starting, and the final inferno. I wondered what could possibly justify this reaction from my government and what the hell happened to my country. It was surreal.
I too watched the Waco series and thought it was quite good. Another good title is "Waco: Rules of Engagement" a 2 hour documentary that was nominated for an Academy Award. Too me, this is one of saddest and infuriating documentaries I have ever watched. The sickest part is watching the Senate hearings looking into the matter and how the government spun and spun and spun itself to absolve the government of any guilt. I rewatched part of the movie today. It's striking how many politicians who were part of the Waco hearings are still in Washington which by itself is a sad comment on the US government. Don't these a-holes ever go away?
Here's the link if you're interested:
Nothing could flatten her curves! LOL!
Has Anything Positive Come Out Of This Coronavirus Isolation For You?
by minimus ini guess you could make a case of more families being together although that might not be the best situation.
less cars and pollutants mean we can breathe better.
if you were ever uncomfortable in crowds, this could be good news.
Scale says plus 10. That is a positive...of sorts.
Do You Think It’s Time For Businesses To Reopen Even Though Coronavirus Is Not Obliterated?
by minimus ini think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
It doesn't help that some media will be circling like vultures waiting for people to get infected and maybe (hopefully in their eyes) die. And while the media is bad, the public who choose to devour this tragedy-porn makes the situation worse. I understand why the decision makers are hesitating to move forward. Nobody wants to go first.
I believe that the executives from mayors to governors to the President as well as everyone from CEO's of large corporations to the sole proprietor of a neighborhood store need to take ownership of the fact that to reopen means some will get sick and a few may indeed die to at least blunt the inevitable backlash that will come from a public that will be egged on by the press ("If it bleeds it leads," so they say). People need to be able to go back to work, to be productive, to have structure. Society does not have the luxury of waiting for a cure. Every week that passes, people's resources dwindle and eventually when their resources are gone, people will go from being depressed to being resentful to being angry to being enraged. But don't worry, the media will be there to report on that carnage also and, without noticing their hypocrisy, they'll blame the very same executives who could have reopened the economy but didn't.
Kids Without Rules
by minimus ini see a lot of kids that rarely get discipline.
they are allowed to do whatever they want and if someone says something to them they don’t want to hear, they blow them off, ignore them or engage in disrespectful talk.. what’s wrong with today’s parents??
they are producing a generation of entitled brats!.
What’s wrong with today’s parents?? They are producing a generation of entitled brats!
So says every curmudgeon who has ever lived in human history...
Interesting documentary on oil and renewables.
by JimmyYoung ini don't like micheal moore at all but he produced this doc and it is exactly what i have been saying about the renewable energy myth for years.
So what's the TLDR of the documentary?
The greenest thing about green energy is the money corporations are pocketing via taxpayer subsidy. Green energy uses just as much, if not more, fossil fuel than proponents claim green energy offsets. Green energy leaves a trail of environmental destruction wherever it goes. There is nothing sustainable about sustainable energy.
The documentary also lays out a case that serious population control and a shift away from consumption economies is necessary to prevent future, planet wide cataclysm.
Interesting documentary on oil and renewables.
by JimmyYoung ini don't like micheal moore at all but he produced this doc and it is exactly what i have been saying about the renewable energy myth for years.
I just watched this. It is a must see for anyone interested in "green energy." It'll be too bad if some people see the words Michael Moore and dismiss it although it would be interesting to see the reactions of Michael Moore fans. Michael Moore produced the documentary, he didn't make it.
My dad is now a ministerial servant tonight
by Wagurl inmy dad just became mistrial servant should i move out i’m almost 18. what the hell should i do?
What concerns me are the scandals
Yes, that is a concern. My military ex told me a couple of stories. But to be fair, the military does not have a monopoly on bad behavior. The military is a reflection of society at large. Churches, Fortune 500 companies, mom and pop stores, big cities, small villages, college campuses, even the freaking Boy Scouts! All have or have had dishonorable men and women in their ranks.
My dad is now a ministerial servant tonight
by Wagurl inmy dad just became mistrial servant should i move out i’m almost 18. what the hell should i do?
* will you enlist in the military? I often suggest this to GUYS, but I'm not sure that for the average young lady it is a great idea.
The last "love of my life" was an officer in the Army. I didn't know that much about military life before she came along, but holy cow! The military has so many benefits! And those benefits last a lifetime. I encourage young people, whether male or female, to at least seriously consider a stint in the military. The military will whip you into shape, teach some discipline, and the recruit will learn some skills (and no, the skills are not all about killing people). My ex has traveled the world and is now in grad school thanks to the US Army. I met many of her female Army friends. I admit it is not for everyone, but it is an option more young folk should explore. As a bonus, when young jw youth go into the military, jw's are aghast.