When the Waco tragedy occurred I was working in a remote, completely off the grid area of the planet. My co-workers and I had no real information as to what was happening in the States. We had snippets of news that made no sense. I got back to civilization a couple months after the fire. I remember watching videos of what looked like heavily armed soldiers, the tanks attacking the building, the fire starting, and the final inferno. I wondered what could possibly justify this reaction from my government and what the hell happened to my country. It was surreal.
I too watched the Waco series and thought it was quite good. Another good title is "Waco: Rules of Engagement" a 2 hour documentary that was nominated for an Academy Award. Too me, this is one of saddest and infuriating documentaries I have ever watched. The sickest part is watching the Senate hearings looking into the matter and how the government spun and spun and spun itself to absolve the government of any guilt. I rewatched part of the movie today. It's striking how many politicians who were part of the Waco hearings are still in Washington which by itself is a sad comment on the US government. Don't these a-holes ever go away?
Here's the link if you're interested: