I'm okay with the demise of Aunt Jemima as long as they keep selling the delicious CORN SYRUP, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, WATER, CELLULOSE GUM, CARAMEL COLOR, SALT, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, SODIUM BENZOATE AND SORBIC ACID (PRESERVATIVES), SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE inside the bottle. Makes one's mouth water.
JoinedPosts by frozen2018
Aunt Jemima and Mrs.Buttersworth Need To Be Destroyed!
by minimus inwe have to get rid of these racist relics.
i propose that we destroy all these bottles of syrups and burn every pancake box !
we need to get rid of anything that reminds us of anything negative concerning slavery.. in boston they decapitated the head of christopher columbus and got rid of his statue.
“White Privilege”
by minimus inlately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
When I offer my thoughts on any subject
When I do that people roll their eyes and say, "Whatever, Boomer."
ExJws Should Know Better Than To Just Accept Things And Follow The Leader
by minimus ini would think that exjws would exercise more critical thinking than not.
now we are thrust in this “ world” and take sides on social issues and politics.. just because our government leaders say something it doesn’t mean it’s right.
just because the majority of the news media tells us how we should think, it doesn’t mean we have to follow.
Critical thinking is a skill and like any other skill it needs to be learned. The last place one learns about critical thinking is in a Kingdom Hall. When someone leaves the jw church the ability to think critically doesn't automatically manifest itself. Keep in mind that the first step of critical thinking is to ask questions. If someone has spent 20, 30, 40 or more years in jw land, where asking questions is pretty much forbidden, learning that vital first step will take some time.
Removing Historic Monuments and Statues - Does the Term "Historical" Make it Right or Wrong?
by RubaDub inafter further review and thought, i really don't see how removing a monument or statue that may be truly offensive to a large group of people is in some way rewriting history.. i think of germany or other parts of europe.
you don't see swastikas on buildings or statues of hitler or mussolini or other upper level generals in public.
would it be good for a person (think jewish) to drive around a city and see hitler in a public park, even though it is "historical?
If people are okay with American mobs tearing down statues they don't like, I would assume they are okay with the Taliban blowing up statues the Taliban didn't like.
Removing Historic Monuments and Statues - Does the Term "Historical" Make it Right or Wrong?
by RubaDub inafter further review and thought, i really don't see how removing a monument or statue that may be truly offensive to a large group of people is in some way rewriting history.. i think of germany or other parts of europe.
you don't see swastikas on buildings or statues of hitler or mussolini or other upper level generals in public.
would it be good for a person (think jewish) to drive around a city and see hitler in a public park, even though it is "historical?
Nancy Pelosi wants all the Confederate statues removed from the Capitol. I can't say I blame her given that the Confederacy is rooted in the Democratic Party. Who would want a bunch of statues around to remind people of that fact?
“White Privilege”
by minimus inlately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
I saw that Frozen. It was comedy to me. We are living in some alt reality of the onion.
Comedy?!? Surely you jest! Nothing screams sincerity more than seeing highly trained Actors read stuff aloud from a tele-prompter.
HBO removes Gone with the Wind because its offensive.
by phoenixrising inas the altleftist idiots burn books, ban speech and now ban movies that does not conform to their twisted thinking never forget, those that start by burning books end up burning bodies.
Actually Robert E Lee had a strong opinion regarding Civil War monuments. He said, “I think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavoured to obliterate the marks of civil strife and to commit to oblivion the feelings it has engendered.”
“White Privilege”
by minimus inlately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
For those of you who don't understand, here are some Celebrities to explain as only they can:
Would You Like To See Your Police Departments “Defunded”?
by minimus indo you think it’s a good idea?.
I live just a couple of hours from the Twin Cities and have spent lots of time down there. It really is (was) a nice part of the state. What I don't quite get is the fact that the Twin Cities have pretty much been run by lefties for the last 50-60 years. Those lefties built the Minneapolis Police Department. Whatever "evil" MPD is didn't happen overnight, it took years, no, decades to evolve. And now the politicians down there are SHOCKED! SHOCKED!! at the idea that their police department is filled with, apparently, homicidal maniacs. I don't have a problem with reforming any police department. I do find it troubling that the very same group that created the alleged problem Department now claim to have the solutions to fix it. I'm starting to think that the whole defund the police movement is just a means to some sort of end.
Quick side note to folks who don't think police departments should spend money on military type equipment. The PD doesn't spend money on the gear, the Department of Defense gives it away through the 1033 Program. A neighboring town got themselves a surplus MRAP for their war on drugs (drug enforcement is a plus in the 1033 Program). The thing is so big and clumsy it is rarely taken out of the garage. On top of that, it weighs so much that when it is used it damages the roads! But it was free.
Meet George Floyd
by cofty inhis murder was a crime and justice must be done, but it's sobering to learn more about the man who is being lionised by millions.
thanks as always to the courageous candace owens.. ....
I like to think someone in the family had the foresight to Trade Mark the name George Floyd and everything else associated with the name George Floyd.