What a thread? JWs badmouth those who persecutes individuals who leave their formal religion to join WTBTS
JoinedPosts by Longlivetherenegades
JW Stumper Questions - List You Best Here
by pale.emperor inhi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
My letter of disassociation, what do you think?
by James Jack indear brothers, july 27, 2020. in 1919, the president of the watchtower society made a bold prediction, “millions now living will never die”.
that quotation was constantly repeated by the organization till the year 2000 when they realized that everyone in attendance at that assembly, who listened to j.r. rutherford repeat those words, are dead.. that teaching has guided my life.
statements were repeatedly made at assemblies, conventions and in print that there was no career in “this system of things” so you don’t need a job with benefits or retirement, your fulltime job is to “preach the good news”!
DA letter From my own view is giving you all the power. You simply LEFT on your own and there is a document attached to it. @ JJ keep your personal copy of the letter.
Any other member that ask for reason or gossiping around for you LEAVING send him or her back to the elders to retrieve the letter they have with them and read the reasons in there.
If the person said they refuse to hand it out, tell him or her that the letter is your letter not a letter from the GB or branch. Why are they keeping it.
That will instigate the mind that the elders have something to hide. After all when they make there usual announcement, the reasons are not included
Thoughts on Sunning and blood Doctrines.
by Phizzy ini have a couple of thoughts on the blood and shunning doctrines, both of which have been covered well before.
here, and on j.w facts.com and elsewhere.. but i would like to point out the following, the only scriptures they can use in reality for their blood doctrine are the verses from acts chapter 15. o.t verse are really out of the question, and dishonest to use on their part, as they do not follow most of the injunctions in there!.
the context of acts 15 is a council of the apostles and others in the jerusalem congregation, to decide what they should ask of gentile christians in the way of behaviours and practices etc, as jewish christians were demanding they comply with the mosaic law, or were, at the very least offended if they did not.
Still Totally Add. Loool
Honest assessment of my life
by silent3 inmy old account was silent and i had to create a new account which kind of bums me, but here i am.. over the years i've really experienced some rough times emotionally and spiritually which led me down many paths.
being angry most all of time with a few outbursts really started to make me take stock of what was wrong with me.
further i started really going back and trying to figure out where i went wrong.. so i revisted all my previous posts on here.
Silent3 said......."I've looked and found no other place in the world that consistently works as hard to produce spiritual information to help us be optimistic.
In reality its still all about the WHERE not the WHOM. While Jesus CRITIC the works and ways of the religious leaders of "JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION" he didn't for ONCE forget the WHOM. His disciples too never FORGET the WHOM?
Silent3 said........I want the best for my wife and family and instead of rolling around in the mire of negativity always finding fault and taking a perpetual negative view on spiritual things,
A very good thing to do in terms of what you want for your family. Concerning the negativity part, a PhD THESIS was shared on this platform how the JW ORG is a SURER ORGANISM that anyone willing to stop some certain BAD HABITS can subject themselves too and I can say they will indeed drop some of those bad habits as long as they continue in SUBJECTION but they will pick up some equally bad ONES along. Part of such is what Ander Andersen highlighted. Read it and read carefully. Your initial NEGATIVITY was BORN from the WHERE.
Silent3 said..........I want to approach things in a positive light where no anti-depressants are required to feel good"
Very nice and watch out for the negativity and continually DEPRESS it.
Silent3 said I wish you all the best and please remember
Another chapter and journey for you.
Silent3 said........it all starts with personal prayer every day and setting some small spiritual goals for yourself. Once you start getting educated on the real life, good things start to happen.
We will love to enjoy some of the education as it concerns REAL LIFE whenever you are free to share.
Watchtower June 2020 Article, '' Return to Me''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | june 2020. .
study article 26.
6 who can share in the search for inactive ones?
Timely INSTRUCTIONS considering we are at the LAST DAY of the LAST DAYS😋😋😋.
It's only the degree of indoctrination that will make one think, LEAVING the ORGANIZATION is equal to LEAVING GOD.
When Jesus said My God My God WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? The response from the FATHER WAS.............you have left my ONE and ONLY ORGANIZATION on earth doing MY WILL.😂😂😂😂
Thoughts on Sunning and blood Doctrines.
by Phizzy ini have a couple of thoughts on the blood and shunning doctrines, both of which have been covered well before.
here, and on j.w facts.com and elsewhere.. but i would like to point out the following, the only scriptures they can use in reality for their blood doctrine are the verses from acts chapter 15. o.t verse are really out of the question, and dishonest to use on their part, as they do not follow most of the injunctions in there!.
the context of acts 15 is a council of the apostles and others in the jerusalem congregation, to decide what they should ask of gentile christians in the way of behaviours and practices etc, as jewish christians were demanding they comply with the mosaic law, or were, at the very least offended if they did not.
Commands of men as DOCTRINES are my thought on this.
WHOLE BLOOD TRANSFUSION................ reject
BLOOD FRACTION TRANSFUSION............... accept.
As a mathematics students, find the LOWEST common denominator between REJECT and ACCEPT?
Your answer is as good as mine.........The organization love playing with the HEADS of their members.
Its just like "the do not be yoked with unbelievers". ...........as it concerns MARRIAGE in the ORG. But a born in who had completed the study program and failed to get baptized is not seen as an UNBELIEVER by the ORG. The question is can one then YOKE ONESELF with such PERSON? The ORGANIZATION response is NO because the person is not YET to be BAPTIZED.
It makes the whole thing LAUGHABLE, the scriptures only said do not be YOKED with UNBELIEVERS not the ONE YET TO BE BAPTIZED.
Another interesting thing about this is the BAPTISM endorsed by Jehovah's ORGANIZATION not just any BAPTISM.
The Recent Legal Decision and WT Hypocrisy
by Slidin Fast injust to remind you, the recent court decision included a judgement about wt and freedom of speech something the organisation has long prided itself about.
infosektamedia release of july 8, 2020 7. thewatchtower organisation denies members the human right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion according to article 18 statement by the expert (tages-anzeiger)"furthermore, article 18 states that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, a right that the watchtower society claims for itself but does not grant its members.
" judgment of the court by ostracizing members who no longer share the faith, they are implicitly denied freedom of faith and conscience (proof of good faith).
What does one expect of an ORGANIZATION that raised itself above every other organization on earth. To the ORGANIZATION they believe they hold the key to what FREEDOM means from God's standpoint. In fact freedom is only best ENJOYED within the WALLS of the ORGANIZATION. In order to prove themselves right they introduced SHUNNING. That makes the freedom they OFFER an IRONY.
Prophesy from a JW (and others perspective). What purpose is there in trying to interpretate some of the stuff that you don't understand??
by RubaDub inthis is not a jw-bashing thing, but it always seemed odd to me that the "excuse" when things go wrong is that "we have to wait and see how the prophesy is fulfilled" or some other wording.. my question has always been, then what is the purpose of the prophesy if you don't understand it until after the fact?
isn't that like having a weather forecast but being told that we don't really know what the weather will be until the next day?.
i'm sure some of the intelligent people here can guide me but in all honesty, i never understood that..
Watchtower talk but they don't do.
For one thing, Bible prophecies are often best understood when they are undergoing fulfillment or after they have been fulfilled. But there is another factor. To understand a prophecy correctly, we generally have to consider its context. .....watchtower April 2020 study edition.
Over the years they have try to UNDERSTAND what has not been fulfilled or undergoing fulfillment. The reason they head into SPECULATION ASSUMPTION, PREDICTION, LIKELY, MAYBE.
They say its best to consider context yet make modern day application of all the text in the Bible to fit there doctrine.
Watchtower Sudy 12 July.the Kings of North & South (from 05/20 issue)
by BluesBrother init is a challenge next sunday for them .
due to starting the convention programme the wt study will be a 30 minute run through ,and deals with this prophecy ... i doubt the younger ones are familiar with it at all bur oldies could debate it at length .we on the look out for the king of the north to enter "the land of decoration" (more to follow,maybe next week).
this article makes a grand claim in par 2.
Paragraph 1........WHAT does the near future hold for Jehovah’s people? We do not have to guess
What did they do in paragraphs 5 and 6
GUESS 1. It indicates that what we read about the king of the north and the king of the south COULD not apply to rulers or kingdoms that held power from sometime in the 2nd century to the second half of the 19th century.
Guess 2 When could God’s people again be identified? Explain
Imposed upon any member attempting this question this week.
Guess 3. God’s people could once again be identified!
What words will one find when making guesses? COULD is one of them. The writer of this article placed it where it is needed the most in the ARTICLE. These paragraphs is the major HINGE of the whole article.
First guess to show ELIMINATION of true Christians from first century and support the claim that no king of North or south and no God's people to attack by both kings. Zenobia removal from the Daniel prophecy is to further support the claim that true Christianity ceased after the deaths of the apostle and cannot be seen to have stretched till the third century.
Second guess well placed to show RUSSELL and his associates marks the REBIRTH of TRUE CHRISTIANITY that was absent from the end of the first century.
But the writer of the ARTICLE forgot that Matthew 13 cited in that account about the weeds and wheats undermine all his MENTAL GYMNASTICS. Jesus never said in his parable that the WHEATS die out completely and no where did the HARVEST started with the collection of WHEATS rather it started with reaping of the WEEDS but 1870 - 1919 no WEEDS were reaped or burnt.
The comic aspect of the whole account under paragraphs 5,6 is considering the religious background of RUSSELL and is ASSOCIATE and having the mindset that all other churches apart from of JWS are WEEDS.
It sure looks like a case of Jesus coming/presence in 1870 to turn WEEDS to WHEATS before 1919. Then after 1919 he pronounced the converted WEEDS as WHEATS. Jesus made a liar.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Anna Marina I think this will be the second time I am drawn to this Ezekiel as it relates to 1914.
I guess something is embedded in there RIGHT?