We had nearly $350,000 saved up to help purchase a new Kingdom Hall closer to our territory. Land alone was around $2 million at the time and it was said that it was going to be the most/one of the most expensive Kingdom Halls ever built. Really needed though since most publishers were driving 15 - 25 minutes to get to the Hall in another town and it was really hard to get any interested ones to drive all that way to come to the Hall.
Anyway, when the new arrangement came out, we "loaned" all our money interest free to the Society and agreed to a monthly stipend of about $1800 to send as well.
It was then decided by the Society that we would just remodel the Hall we already had, which itself is in a very high value area, instead of building a new one closer to territory.
Believe me, I was irritated by this arrangement. Especially since I had gone out of my way to contribute generously toward our new Hall for years.
I had some solace at the time, thinking that the money was going toward poorer countries in need. Now I know what a crock of bull that was.
The Society can honestly do whatever it wants and the sheeple will go along and continue to take their beatings obediently.