Unless you have a wonderful disposition and so laid back nothing ever bothers you, don't mind that your dishes in the sink may never get done until your apartment is condemned by the Health Department, and work a totally different shift from your fellow renter, why do roommate sagas rarely have happy endings? The first thing I did when I moved out years ago was: don't have a roommate - live alone and work 2 jobs if you have to in order to be alone and get renter's insurance! You may never know when the jerk above you decides to go to sleep with a cigarette in hand and POOF!, your things are no more...
JoinedPosts by TresHappy
Roommates from hell
by LivefromNY2003 inanybody have any crazy stories about roommates from hell?
i had one who refused to move so i finally had to.
Planning Funerals
by IronGland inhave you guys thought about how your funeral or your parents funeral will be conducted?
my parents are also xjw's with vague religious leanings but are not affiliated with any church.
i'm agnostic myself.
It's amazing to me the number of people choosing cremation these days. Also, has anyone heard about couples choosing to buried literally "on top" of each other? It saves land space and you only have to buy one plot.
A few years back while doing genealogy, I found my great grandfather's resting place in a wonderful old country cemetery not too far off from here. If I was going to be buried, I'd choose that place as it's absolutely the most peaceful place. You know what I thought was something? They let the cows come in and graze the cemetery because there were cow patties everywhere. Including on top of good ol' great grandpa himself!
Planning Funerals
by IronGland inhave you guys thought about how your funeral or your parents funeral will be conducted?
my parents are also xjw's with vague religious leanings but are not affiliated with any church.
i'm agnostic myself.
I have definite wants: cremation - no viewing. I don't want people standing over what's left of me telling me I look good dead. I definitely want some sort of service. I always thought it would be neat to have the bagpipes played at my service. "Amazing Grace" is so beautiful on the bagpipes. Also I want my cremains stored in a niche.
Edited by - TresHappy on 6 December 2002 10:37:35
television evangalists anyone?
by freddi inmany years after i left the j.w.
's i started watching t.v.
Many of those religious sorts on TV are nothing but charlatans with $$ signs instead of eyeballs. That Benny Hinn, what a crackpot. He's nothing more than Kathryn Kuhlman all over again. Anyone remember that woman?
What's your favourite cola?
by JH inthere are so many colas on the market, but 2 of them stick out.
coke and pepsi.
i love coke and hate pepsi.
Restaurant chains such as Taco Smell and KFC all serve Pepsi products, there's no Coke product to be had. However, since I am a Diet Coke person, those restaurants that serve "Pepsi only" will never get my business.
television evangalists anyone?
by freddi inmany years after i left the j.w.
's i started watching t.v.
I have watched Joyce Meyer a few times. Her flashiness sometimes drives me crazy, I mean those fancy shoes and those eye-popping beaded dresses. When I do listen to her, she says some really good stuff. Her hubby, btw is a hunk!
Edited by - TresHappy on 5 December 2002 17:7:6
old riddle
by NewSense inhas anyone ever heard this riddle?
it's been around a while, and it goes like this - a surgeon, named mr. william jennings, decided one day to take his six-year-old son for ride in the family car to buy some ice cream.
tragically dr. jennings' automobile was broad-sided by another car travelling at a very high rate of speed.
I remember that riddle from my childhood. I also remember an old "All in the Family" episode where Archie wrestled with that riddle throughout the whole show. It was hilarious, classic comedy that only the late Carroll O'Connor could have done.
All of the above and everything else. Once you leave the WT, you don't need excuses. Just one pat answer for me does it: I just don't believe that crap anymore!
Keep your eyes on the Prize!
by RubyTuesday inno ...not talking about a jw song (that one was my favorite tho).
i think everyone has won something at one time .. i won kiss concert tickets from a radio station ( don't even like them).
a friend of mine won a car in high school.. have any of you ever won anything?
I have won many more things but I don't want to appear as a braggart - lol
First thing I ever won - Carpenters Album when I was 12 - then Cat Stevens tickets when I was 14, KC & Sunshine Band tickets at 14 - all from local radio stations. Many more things but this list is long as all I did as a teenager was call radio stations and listen.
SCAM MAIL! Another weird-ass email
by TR inreceived this email this morning:.
good day,.
with warm heart i offer my friendship, and greetings, and i hope this mail meets you in good time.
Isn't there a George Strait song with the lyrics "I got some oceanfront property in Arizona..."