I've got wine, will get bread later.
I've also got wine, will skip bread.
may you all have peace!.
for the first time in close to 15 years, i have not been compelled by our lord to issue an "invitation" on this board regarding the upcoming wtbts "memorial" event.
for many years, i have posted exhortations and reminders as to what our lord said about those "in union" with him and what it takes to be in such union.
I've got wine, will get bread later.
I've also got wine, will skip bread.
i've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Reality existed long before the human brain existed and will continue to exist long after our brains return to stardust. Though we perceive some of reality, much of it is as yet hidden from us. For example, we see light with the naked eye in one frequency. Although it exists at many frequencies, such as radio waves, we are almost blind to the reality of light without scientific equipment. Even sound, which is low frequency light, is heard by us in a very limited range, making us appear almost deaf.
As scientists develop more sophisticated equipment, we are becoming more aware how limited our perception of reality has been. Many years from now, we may well have an entirely different view of the universe and our world. What happens in our mind is mostly subjective and reflects our personal conditioning and preferences. To such a point, that our consciousness is more of an emotionally driven dream than we realise.
Modern man has made huge strides in becoming more aware but we have only scratched the surface. The average person may drive car, own a mobile phone and a computer and fly in airplanes. But our understanding of reality has changed very little.
That’s why I sit on the fence so much. My search for truth and reality has led me to the conclusion that I know nothing at all.
have you ever wondered how there could be so many pedophiles and other miscreants who are jehovah's witnesses, who claim to be the chosen people of god and who profess and honour christian morals?
you could ask the same question of the roman catholic clergy and the staff of protestant run orphanages.
the vast majority of jehovah's witnesses, catholic priests and protestant orphanage staff are not miscreants, but they share something in common with their despicable bretheren and that is they believe the same thing.
People with Christian belief try to live up to the ideals that they think Jesus expects. ‘Turn the other cheek.’ ‘Seek first the kingdom.’ Pray for those persecuting you.’ Should they fail, they consider they have sinned. Just ask Jesus to forgive and all is well. The arrangement works well, provided the person shares Jesus view of life. Unless they share Jesus character, they will be forever trying to live his life instead of their own.
When it comes to character, the best place to start is with self examination. I have no god given ideals to live up to and don’t entirely buy into Jesus’ philosophy. After all, he came a cropper in his short time on earth. My character allows me to do whatever is expedient.
I don’t claim or desire to be totally honest. I don’t wish to love everyone I meet. My aim is to enjoy life, to survive and prosper. I avoid hurting others whenever possible because it helps me to fit in to society. Being liked by others opens doors for me and allows me to be accepted into the safety of the group. In other words, it serves me well to make friends of people and keep them close. If threatened, I will be ruthless without guilt or regret. If I make a mistake, I will apologise and make amends personally.
I feel no need to ask an invisible being for forgiveness or live through someone else’s character.
ever heard that phrase?
"he is his own worst enemy.."?.
of course, the meaning is obvious: some persons do themselves far more harm than a dedicated enemy could.. .
Sometimes people do make provocative statements and when this happens, I fall back on a counselling(UKSpelling) technique called ‘reflecting.’ It involves not taking the bait but repeating what the person has said without offering your own opinion, asking a question or seeking to correct them. They feel heard and at the same time they become aware of how they sound. For example:
Customer: I come here often and all your Christian books are expensive. Is it because you’re are not a Christian?
Terry: You think all our Christian books are expensive.
Customer: Yes, well some of them are.
Terry: You think some of our books are expensive.
Customer: The little shop down the road has a sale on.
Terry: Ah! You have been to the little shop with a sale on and you are comparing prices.
Customer: Yes, I don’t want to spend more than I have to.
Terry: I can understand that, I am the same as you (establishing rapport)
Customer: Oh! I’m pleased you understand. The thing is you have a much better range and a nicer shop.
Terry: We do our best to keep a good stock and make your visit enjoyable.
Customer: They don’t have the book I want.
Terry: I see. You have returned to us because we tend to stock the books you want.
Customer: Yes, I’ve always been pleased with your service.
Terry: That’s very nice to hear. Which book can help you find today.
at one point in my life i chose to stop listening to my religion's advice to not research outside of their framework.
about the time i made that decision was when the gay marriage debate was going very strong; and still is to this day.
back then i felt like my state of california was leading the front on it to stop the bigotry and oppression once and for all.. it was a hot topic for me because i was questioning the bible and my faith so i started researching the science of homosexulality.
It’s interesting discussing this with you Simon, though I fear we may be drifting towards the science of evolution rather than the topic. I agree that evolution does not have a set purpose or goal. Evolution is just a name that we give to the process of natural development and survival.
At the same time nature is aware of itself and maintains a balance. If that balance becomes threatened it can cause changes in organisms in order to restore balance. Humans procreating in such large numbers, has become a threat to all life on earth. Homosexuality could be part of evolutionary development. That is only a theory and I won’t be marching for gay pride to prove it!
I would suggest that most creatures would be better off without mankind on earth. There are forms of life on earth much older than man and it is likely they will outlast our species.
at one point in my life i chose to stop listening to my religion's advice to not research outside of their framework.
about the time i made that decision was when the gay marriage debate was going very strong; and still is to this day.
back then i felt like my state of california was leading the front on it to stop the bigotry and oppression once and for all.. it was a hot topic for me because i was questioning the bible and my faith so i started researching the science of homosexulality.
We DO NOT need homosexuality or attraction to the same gender to surive and flourish. In fact, that has zero reporductive value.
Maybe you don't, Simon, but if you were gay perhaps you would. It could be that in an overcrowded world evolution is diverting the sexual drive to same sex activity in an attempt to stem the tide of babies being born.
Homosexuality could just be an evolutionary tactic to ensure the survival of life on planet earth. It may even be necessary for humans to disappear in order for other life on earth to survive. We arrived here last and have already done a lot of damage.
at one point in my life i chose to stop listening to my religion's advice to not research outside of their framework.
about the time i made that decision was when the gay marriage debate was going very strong; and still is to this day.
back then i felt like my state of california was leading the front on it to stop the bigotry and oppression once and for all.. it was a hot topic for me because i was questioning the bible and my faith so i started researching the science of homosexulality.
The ultimate purpose of food is to stay alive, to survive. If all food was plain and tasteless, we would still be driven to eat to satisfy our hunger. Instead nature has provided an abundance pleasurable and enjoyable food.
Nature, through evolution, seeks not only to ensure survival but also seeks to provide pleasure in what we do. It has been called 'the pleasure gene.' Many people eat more than they need to survive because it is a pleasurable activity. The ultimate purpose of sex is survival of the species but, as with food, it is not its only purpose.
at one point in my life i chose to stop listening to my religion's advice to not research outside of their framework.
about the time i made that decision was when the gay marriage debate was going very strong; and still is to this day.
back then i felt like my state of california was leading the front on it to stop the bigotry and oppression once and for all.. it was a hot topic for me because i was questioning the bible and my faith so i started researching the science of homosexulality.
Nature is not entirely absorbed with survival, reproduction and long term survival. Both animals and humans engage in certain energy consuming activity because it is pleasurable. Romping and playing for fun has a benefit in its exercise value.
Heterosexuals also enjoy sex even when there is no possibility of producing offspring. Reproduction is only one of many reasons for sexual activity. Among humans it is a way of expressing love. Sexual activity is both socially and physically beneficial.
Heterosexuals are in the majority but being in a minority is not abnormal or unnatural, just a less travelled path.
the following is only my own personal analysis.. take it or leave it.
but, by all means jump in and have a say.. .
i think more and more we are losing our grasp on a wonderful venue at jw-net.. as a discussion board, i mean.. at one time, there were a great many wonderful and interesting discussions by a variety of persons with varied backgrounds having a good.
Yet another meaningful and thought provoking topic from Terry. I have considered all the questions asked but will allow others to form their own opinion about my posts.
Over time our approach to the forum is bound to change. We come here full of emotion, often upset and angry. Debate and argument are valuable tools in dissipating that emotion. Knowing we are not alone helps.
Eventually we have to ask why we are here. If we no longer need support from others, perhaps we have something to offer to those who are still struggling to come to terms with loss. However long we have been here, a sensible debate is always a joy.
What is interesting is that each poster has replied in their own unique style, which is more telling than their self assessment.
ever since i've started posting here regularly, there has been upheaval, threats of leaving and threats of banning by many active contributors.
people have spoken their minds and have been chastised; people have attacked others and threads have been locked.. well, after reading my bible, i've determined the cause of all this.
mr. falcon.
Mr. Falcon Whoa - throwing you overboard seems a little too drastic. Perhaps keel-hauling you would suffice.
A quick drag around your computer, with ropes sir! And you will be suitably chastened.