We are to look to Christ - but don't we hear him - in Spirit - within us? ... Love, truth, compassion, forgiveness, mercy... the things Christ taught... we can probably trust those. The things that go against what He taught - against the Spirit of Christ... those probably come from something else within us.
We all have an inner voice that talks to us. Our ancestors had an inner voice. The positive was attributed to gods, the negative to demons or devils. Sometimes people chose to worship negative gods. The gods were also responsible for thunder and lightening, volcanoes and earthquakes. We now know better.
Often our inner voice talks to us through feeling. It can be heard as a voice or may communicate through dreams. I worked for many years as a psychotherapist. One of the aims was to help people become more aware of that inner voice to solve problems in their life.
It does seem that you are very aware of your inner voice and have a good relationship with yourself. This tends to result in inner peace. Our inner voice is partly formed from information that we have accepted as accurate. Also from the values we hold and our own disposition. Words such as unconscious-mind, conscience and super ego are now well known by most people.
Love and kindness are part of you personality or natural disposition. You are attracted to the ideal of Jesus because you share his approach to life. The idea that love is the key, resonates within you. You feel natural affinity with the words you have read about him.
Some people struggle with negative feelings of hate and self loathing. This can become a predominant part of their personality. When you have negative feeling, you attribute them to an opposing spiritual force. Have you considered the possibility that what you are hearing is your own inner voice?
I know you place great value on your relationship with Jesus. If it helps you to make sense of you life and emotion, then it serves a purpose. On the other, perhaps you should give yourself more credit for the kindness and love that you demonstrate so abundantly in your life.