Reality existed long before the human brain existed and will continue to exist long after our brains return to stardust. Though we perceive some of reality, much of it is as yet hidden from us. For example, we see light with the naked eye in one frequency. Although it exists at many frequencies, such as radio waves, we are almost blind to the reality of light without scientific equipment. Even sound, which is low frequency light, is heard by us in a very limited range, making us appear almost deaf.
As scientists develop more sophisticated equipment, we are becoming more aware how limited our perception of reality has been. Many years from now, we may well have an entirely different view of the universe and our world. What happens in our mind is mostly subjective and reflects our personal conditioning and preferences. To such a point, that our consciousness is more of an emotionally driven dream than we realise.
Modern man has made huge strides in becoming more aware but we have only scratched the surface. The average person may drive car, own a mobile phone and a computer and fly in airplanes. But our understanding of reality has changed very little.
That’s why I sit on the fence so much. My search for truth and reality has led me to the conclusion that I know nothing at all.