JoinedTopics Started by Malsonilla
by compound complex inhis voice is liquid, drowning me then rescuing me from the sheer weight of a burdensome life that can no longer be borne.. somehow, a singularly caressing envelope of grace shields me from total obliteration, his ethereal utterance an unknown but strangely welcome entity.. what power lures me outside myself into a realm within my reality but, nonetheless, beyond it?
it is sonority that at once crushes me yet, alternately, cradles me tenderly inside delicate tracery of angel song.. i beg - oh, how i beg - to be released from this aural tidal wave of unquantifiable beauty.. his music is that of other worlds; it holds me in its protective but unrelinquishing embrace.
i equivocate, but it is demurral of little account for i cave and become captive .
Have You Ever Seen Or Met Anyone Famous?
by minimus ini'm not talking about any gb members, either!.
"There will be earthquakes..." Show this site to JW's and watch their faces
by Terry in
I Still Can't Celebrate Xmas. Can You? Christians vs Atheists
by Malsonilla inwhile in the organization we learned one bit of truth regarding christmas; that it was originally a pagan observance, the summer solstice, adopted by christians much later in church history, and has nothing to do with jesus christ whatsoever.
no biggy for most true believers who left the organization who have slipped into (or fell back into) the grind of commercialized christmas with all the trappings and traditions of ritual binge spending that takes them even farther away from jesus than christmas' pagan roots ever could.
these true believers might say something like, "i know xmas has its roots in paganism, but we celebrate anyway because of x y z", perhaps echoing or paroting the frustrating responses we use to hear from "worldly" goats/folks when we would explain to them how christmas is not a christian observance whatsoever.
So, I had a thought about wicked spirits lately...
by sd-7 inthe whole reason i even got dragged into this jw stuff, and we didn't just become somebody's return visit they never came back on, is because my mom claimed that the demons were talking to her.
they told her that the jws knew the truth about them, so she called the local kingdom hall.
bible study was started, and that was that.
Looking To Connect With Other Evil Apostates
by Malsonilla inanyone in richmond, va who wishes to meetup for a coffee or a cocktail?
i would love to!
pm me, and let's get it started.. .
Meet President "Obama Fish"
by Scott77 inmeet the 'obama fish'.
scientists have named 5 newly discovered fish after former and current u.s. political leaders, including president barack obama, bill clinton, al gore, jimmy carter, and teddy roosevelt because of their environmental leadership and commitment.
interesting how all these 5 fish are colored 'blue' all but teddy roosevelt were democrats!
JW tour bus crashes in Florida, with fatalities-
by moshe inmiami - a bus carrying 32 members of a church group hit a concrete overpass at miami international airport after the driver got lost, killing two elderly people on board and leaving three others critically injured, officials said saturday.. the large, white bus was too tall for the 8-foot-6-inch entrance to the arrivals area, said airport spokesman greg chin.
buses are supposed to go through the departures area, which has a higher ceiling, he said.. chin said the passengers told him they were part of a group of jehovah's witnesses headed to west palm beach.
police said in a news release that the group had chartered the bus to take them to a church convention there-.
by Malsonilla inhello, i am back after a long break from all things jw and xjw, and publicly, i will offer my apologies to the owner of this board for being so harsh with him/her, and if he allows me to remain on this board, i am thankful.. i am the apostate formerly known as publishingcult.
i am currently in the richmond, va area if anyone would care to meetup for coffee or whatever.
i will be in the area for at least a couple days.
Living as a gay Jehovah's Witness - My Story!
by TimothyT in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><!
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it wasn't a feeling of rebellion; it was the feeling of love and care i desired.