Your patience is commendable AMNESIAN.
Hopefully it will work as well as it has for our family!
anyone who has awakened to ttatt and conscientiously left the organization--especially a once-prominent individual from a prominent multi-generational tribe of jws-- after decades of devout, high-profile "serve-us," who continues to put in an annual appearance at the memorial thoroughly subverts and undermines, by this one act, any hope s/he may entertain that his/her departure will stir family or former friends to question the whole watchtower bamboozle.
by this one concession s/he assigns him-/herself by every single jw to their handy and dimissive purgatory: the "spiritually-weak.".
nothing blasts a louder, clearer, and more deliberate message to the jws who personally knew you and those familiar with your jw bona fides that you are not merely "not making the meetings" or "spiritually-weak" but that there is a conscientious reason you have rejected the entire watchtower society life than choosing to forego what they know you know to be their one-and-only holy and sacred event of the year, the lord's evening meal.
Your patience is commendable AMNESIAN.
Hopefully it will work as well as it has for our family!
anyone who has awakened to ttatt and conscientiously left the organization--especially a once-prominent individual from a prominent multi-generational tribe of jws-- after decades of devout, high-profile "serve-us," who continues to put in an annual appearance at the memorial thoroughly subverts and undermines, by this one act, any hope s/he may entertain that his/her departure will stir family or former friends to question the whole watchtower bamboozle.
by this one concession s/he assigns him-/herself by every single jw to their handy and dimissive purgatory: the "spiritually-weak.".
nothing blasts a louder, clearer, and more deliberate message to the jws who personally knew you and those familiar with your jw bona fides that you are not merely "not making the meetings" or "spiritually-weak" but that there is a conscientious reason you have rejected the entire watchtower society life than choosing to forego what they know you know to be their one-and-only holy and sacred event of the year, the lord's evening meal.
AMNESIAN - will your own husband be attending the Memorial again this year?
perhaps i've missed seeing it.... can anyone provide a scan or link to the 2014 memorial talk and the following sunday's public 'special talk'?.
Anyone ??
i am trying to look at it from a believing mates perspective.
they married you as a jw expecting you to continue as one.
if you have kids, she enjoyed the stability of both spouses being united.. when you learn ttatt, you find out the wt is a dangerous mind control group and lies to its members and is hypocritical.
Once you accept the fact that the 'Governing Body' members are not being used by Jesus, are not anointed with a future as heavenly kings/judges and that the organizations beliefs are based on fallacious premises and distorted conjecture, you'll feel betrayed by the Watchtower Society.
You then realize that you no longer answer to them - you don't have to and you won't.
Your lives are in your hands. And that's a good thing!
the jws have a cart at the train station near my work and today they're featuring the april watchtower and awake magazines.. have you seen these yet?
have the society discovered the worldly technique of using attractive cover models to sell their products or something?
I haven't thought about this in years...
A sister was featured - with photos - in an Awake a few years ago. My brother 'dated' her when they were in their late teens. One night - past midnight - I had the mistaken opportunity to catch sight of them on the deck outside. She was topless...and they were real.
What a FINE example!
i was invited by my parents, and even though i have nothing but contempt for this religion, things have been good in our relationship so i was considering going just to appease them.
anyone else?.
We will. The kids aren't. Going to sit with the in-laws. We haven't walked into the hall for a few months. And Mr. Ginger has a beard.
Should be interesting....
as written in the july 15 2014 wt.
what gerrit used to believe and teach.... the roman catholic teaching of apostolic succession claims that there is an unbroken succession of popes in a line extending all the way back to the apostle peter.
(the church misinterprets jesus words that are quoted at matthew 16:18, 19.
I just finished reading this article on
What a grand delusion he weaves - and believes. It's the age old JW story of a single 'worldly' guy who hears the 'truth' and decides to devote his whole life to the organization.
How many times have we heard the stories of sleeping with out any heat, trudging through snow at night to use the outhouse, relying on the 'brothers' to support you - all sacrifices in order to pioneer. If you tell a line of b.s. enough, you'll eventually believe it.
The comment that he didn't take a taxi to the brother's home - where he'd be staying while 'serving' the congregation - and walked instead because he didn't want to appear uppity ... I think I just gagged a little.
I'm suprised his arm isn't broken ... after patting himself on the back so much!
its been a while since i spoke up.
after a lot of 'tactful' questioning, i have come under the conclusion that witnessing ttatt with dubs will never work.
there is nothing called reasoning with them.
Pick your battles wisely. Be patient. Show them - by your example - that a person can be happy, content, positive and productive without the Kingdom Hall.
i've had 2 jc's, both resulted in reproof.. church, the vicar asks us do reflect quitely on anything that we have done that we're not happy about and to ask for forgiveness in our heart.
knowing that jesus will forgive us, if we are sorry and have faith in him.
It is used under the guise of 'readjusting' a person through love using the scriptures as the source of encouragement.
Anyone who has ever been involved (on both sides of the table) in a judicial investigation or committee know that is a lie.
It was established to 'keep the congregation clean' - meaning to expel any who continue to break God's laws : as pre-determined by the Watchtower Society.
Disfellowshipping is the worse thing that can happen to a Jehovah's Witness. It destroys everything.
The Judicial actions are a public display of power and control - and public humiliation of anyone who has broken the 'rules'. An elder that keeps a relative or friend out of a judicial committee is also a way to demonstrate power and control - over the other elders.
i would just like to get this off my chest.. during the public talk last sunday the speaker (bro holden m'groin) said in public talk: .
" if you ask any 16yr old girl what she wants out of life, she would probably say a home, a family etc etc" (because obviously this is still 1955).. anyway that got my attention i thought " hmm....where is he going with this?"..
bro holden m'groin goes on .
This kind of self-righteous 'preachin' confirms the bias that good Jehovah's Witnesses are better than everyone else in town.
The facts prove otherwise.
And any woman who comes into 'the Truth' with a sketchy past will always be looked down upon.