If your circuit is selling the ASS Hall and reverting back to using secular facilities, why would JWs be donating to an Ass Hall fund?
Is this tied to the new "donation" (tithing) arrangement? Or is WT continuing to maintain a local Ass Hall fund for a future project?
As I understand it, there is now a "worldwide assembly hall fund" that most congregations (in the USA and U.K. at least) are paying either a lump sum and/or what used to be their KH loan into monthly as well. That's what the big fuss was mostly about in September - to the JWs, it's sold to them as "the society has written off your Kingdom Hall/Assembly Hall Loans" when what it actually is instead "give us any spare money you had in the bank" and "while you're at it, make a monthly pledge for a fixed donation" - a.k.a. tithing.
It looks like in this post we are seeing the sharp end of the stick and what happens when those payments aren't kept up. Expect more of this in future?