Thanks, one and Amazing.
I came across this when doing some research for business and thought it applied to the situation we all find ourselves in at one time or another on this board.
i came across this the other day and thought i would share with the board.. a paradigm is simply the way we as a society look at things around us.
it is the sum total of our beliefs about the way things are.
unfortunately, things are not always what they seem.
Thanks, one and Amazing.
I came across this when doing some research for business and thought it applied to the situation we all find ourselves in at one time or another on this board.
i came across this the other day and thought i would share with the board.. a paradigm is simply the way we as a society look at things around us.
it is the sum total of our beliefs about the way things are.
unfortunately, things are not always what they seem.
I came across this the other day and thought I would share with the board.
A paradigm is simply the way we as a society look at things around us. It is the sum total of our beliefs about the way things are. Unfortunately, things are not always what they seem. Our view of reality is often distorted by false information.
A well known psychologist by the name of Dr. Robert Anthony calls it "The Carbonized Crap Theory." It goes like this: "From the moment we are born, there's a bag of crap waiting to be put into our brain. As we hear ideas, crap is poured into our head and stuffed in there by authority figures. These are the people who have a vested interest in making sure we believe what they tell us. We hear it from our parents, teachers, we hear it in church, we hear it from big business, political groups, self-interest groups and, of course, the government.
They are all taking turns packing all this stuff into our head. Eventually, not too late in life, the crap they have been packing into our heads becomes so thick, it's impenetrable. And anything that is real or true doesn't get through. It can't get out and it can't get in because the crap becomes carbonized like a diamond, the hardest substance known, this forms a set of paradigms.
Once we decide to consciously change a paradigm, we start to get little cracks in the carbonized crap in our brain. We start understanding what is important, what is real. And if we keep at it, eventually we can penetrate through all the crap. But we have to be willing to challenge our beliefs. We have to challenge authority figures and those who want to control our lives.
more than likely this will sound like a naive question to some of you, but what is your theory as to the wbts' secret agenda?
i don't see any of them living it far as i know all the governing body lives at bethel year round, eating in the cafeteria with everyone else.. what would their reason be to collect & hoard money, or belong to the un?
I agree with Mommy, this thing has gotten out of hand for them. But they could turn it around, maybe that is what they are trying to do, slowly turn it into a mainstream religion.
I don't think they have a secret agenda. Not everything about the WTS is rotten, it does have some redeeming qualities. For instance,
1) worldwide brotherhood - this could be a good thing if there wasn't so much pressure to be perfect and conform to their every rule and regulation.
2) I have seen some transformation of personalities (for the better) because of someone becoming a witness. However, I have also seen this with people who have joined other religions as well
3) In times of disasters, the witnesses are very organized when it comes to helping their brothers. It should not be limited to just witnesses, but you can't argue with their organization skills.
4) They advocate living clean, moral lives, honesty, obedience to the law and parents, etc.
Their biggest flaw is that they think they are the only religion on earth doing good things, that all other religions are from Satan. I think that is so sad.
I would love it if they would do away with the shunning, and allow people to make their own decisions as regards to blood, actually let them use their God-given consciences to make their own decisions about everything. I have many good, close friends that are JW's that I do not want to give up. We have good times and I have known them for years. At my age, I'm not really ready to start over, but it is so hard to stay in an organization that has become, IMHO, corrupt and does not teach the truth.
when i first started having doubts about the wts, i did a search on other cult-like religions and stumbled across an ex-mormom site.
i started reading some of the stories of former mormons and it was just like something a witness would write.
for instance, here is a quote of one such ex-mormon.... "only an organization that had something to hide would be paranoid about the truth being revealed about itself.
When I first started having doubts about the WTS, I did a search on other cult-like religions and stumbled across an ex-Mormom site. I started reading some of the stories of former Mormons and it was just like something a witness would write. For instance, here is a quote of one such ex-Mormon...
"Only an organization that had something to hide would be paranoid about the truth being revealed about itself. It is interesting that we would be considered such a threat. We had done nothing except request our names be removed from the records of the church. That was all. We learned that we really had few friends within Mormonism."
I thought his comments about only an organization with something to hide would be paranoid about the truth being revealed about itself were right on target.
so when you started to work out all you thought so logical and true was actually rather pear shaped what did you think?.
"i'm ging to bring this organisation down".
"when i tell people this (whatever point you like 607 etc)they'll be shocked like me and want answers".
(vi) drop the door-to-door ministry
i believe it was alanf who started this thread back in june regarding the evolution of baptism vows..
also, isocf (ray franz) on pgs 117-120 discusses this also - detailing the right of the borg to disfellowship its members.. from alan's post it appears that if you were a minor and baptized before 1985, you could legally state that you did not vow loyalty to the organization, and could rightly reject a jc's attempts to disassociate or disfellowship you.
is this correct?.
Interesting point, Mak. I, too was baptized before 1985 and was 14 at the time. I have often thought of using that should the need ever arise. In the US, a contract is not legal and binding unless the person is over 18 years of age, but could one consider their baptism legal and binding? It is not something that was signed on paper. So I do not think that just because someone was under legal age at the time of their baptism would make any difference.
However, someone baptized before 1985, now that's a different story when it comes to being disfellowshipped or disassociated. Pre-1985, a person publicly dedicated themselves to Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and repented of their sins based on the ransom sacrifice per the 2 questions. They did not dedicate themselves to the organization, therefore, you might have a case. If you were baptized after 1985 then you are screwed.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
please see my comments on the official response of the wts to the un library card scandal at
i think that is a great name for this scandal!
waddya think?.
I have a question regarding the following on Mike's site:
"As it happens, it is not true. The WTS published a brochure in France which highlighted their work alongside the UN in Africa, pointing this out to try to add to their credibility. When an airplane crashed in Africa, owned by the UN and carrying JW missionaries, it was a matter of public record with the United States FAA. This was way more than a library card."
How can one access this information from public records? I would like to add it to my list.
Now a comment about this. Why were the missionaries on an airplane owned by the UN? Were they being taken back to their homeland or were they on a joint mission with the UN for some human rights cause. If they were on their way back home for a visit to their homeland, then why did I make a donation for that if the tab was being picked up by the UN?
If they were on some kind of joint mission with the UN, what was the purpose of such?
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."
although they frequently point to the apostle paual as the 'original circuit overseer," the wbts has set up a system which is nothing like what paul did.. paul was not a burden to any congregation.
yet, today the cos and dos (at least here in the states) have the following life:.
car is paid for.
Great post, Lisa.
I agree with you completely. My mother is one that continually contributes to the CO's/DO's but especially the retired CO's.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
this thread is for the serious soldier.
those who get involved here must mean business.. the link provided at bottom is to a three page letter, meant for all clergy everywhere.
it is the community conscious international newsletter informing all clerical persons of the latest watchtower scandal.
i think i'm an old man, lol.. definitely an excuse to have a few drinks toite.. boozy
Happy B'Day! Mine is on Monday, but I've stopped counting.