Didn't kiss your wife at your wedding! That is not normal.
JoinedPosts by ingimar
Are you the huggy sort?
by Ucantnome ini don't really do hugs and kisses.
my wife went to hug me this morning and i instinctively backed away.
we laughed.
by Simon inlol, just received this email:.
you of weak minds that have chosen to leave the truth!
And they claim to be the happiest people in the world. That is one unhappy person.
by snare&racket indo you know an elizabeth ferris from the south of canada?
pm me of you do.... she is an old pal i totally forgot about..
Do you know anything at all about Canada? There would be thousands of Ferris's in the south of Canada.
by Terry inthe watchtower society started out as a loose nit and totally independant agglomeration of customers who.
bought books and magazines.
what they did with them was their own business.
Tell him to commit fornication!
Mass Disfellowshippings of Inactive Ones
by bytheirworks inthe word out of bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.. there's also possible public reproofs handed out for irregular ones.. .
the scriptures they are using to support this:.
the very ones keeping away from you will perish.
Bring it on! Would love to see me inactive husband df'd.
Elder's attitude to dating a non-believer vs acting like a Christian
by ItsMyLife ini've not been on here for quite some time, due to personal reasons.. i have been dating a wonderful man for nearly 11 months now.
he's a non-practicing cofe christian.
i am a recently inactive jw (oh, how i regret getting baptized at 15).. my dad is an elder.
You owe it to this guy to be 100% sure that you will never return to this cult ever again. I married an inactive JW and 7 years later he thought that he would start up again with them. I felt betrayed and totally mislead. I felt like he waited until he had me securely committed to him and our marriage so he thought that it was safe to return. He found out in a hurry how I felt and after a few months of complete turmoil in our marriage and me basically giving him the choice of them or me, he thankfully chose me and he has dissassociated himself from them. He has returned to his old loving caring self. I don't know for sure that he will stay out so I keep myself informed. I have also told the pesty elder that kept coming to the door to stay away. Please do not mislead this man!
The Confessed Pedophile Who Raped Me Is Going To Be Made A Elder Again, Need Help Please!
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inyears ago you read my horror stories about being raped by a jw.
i was nine years old when this took place, now the man has been getting all his works in order.
what do i do to stop the seventy-year old pedophile from getting his position back?
Where is your husband in all of this? He had better be supporting you. You need to take a giant leap backwards and take a look at this situation as an outsider.....a non JW outsider, if you can. This whole situation is disgusting and appalling! This guy needs to be exposed (not literally) to the world. Go to the media, get legal advice and get professional counselling. Tell everyone what this pervert did to you and for goodness sake, get out of this cult!
if you had a miraculous, unexplained escape from death..
by nonjwspouse inplus you were not baptised but grew up in a jw family, stopped attending or studying for 30 years then attempted to go back for a couple years.
the attempt had serious negative effects on your marriage, and personality, so you decided to stop all studies etc, for the time being ( over a year).
but with the full intention to return later and be baptised.. this miraculous, unexplained escape from death was discovered to have occured during this time of complete detachment from studies etc.. what would you feel explained this escape?
non jwspouse.
Yes a great idea for the site for non jw spouses. I would be the first to join. I find that it is usually the wife that is the JW.
Have you ever attended the hall with your husband? I have not but my husband was asking me to but has quit that too. I told him that I would but that I would have my own answers to their questions and tgat I would ask some of my own questions. He said that would not be acceptable and that a bible study woukd be where I would ask questions. I said that was not acceptable to me and if I had an opinion or a question that I would say so as there is no way that the watchtower has all the correct answers. I asked what kind of religion doesn't allow you to do your own research to answer the questions. He insists that he can do his own research and that he researched for two years before he was baptized. I said that research should be ongoing and it is much easier to research everything today with the internet. He knows that I am constantly researching everything such as my blood disorder and that I like to be informed. This is also why I reaearched the JWs. I told him that to be truly informed that I needed to search through a lot of sites to gain accurate knowledge and my conclusion is they are a cult. I will not walk on eggshells in my own house, afraid that I might offend him.
Another thing that I do is try to show how the JWs play with words and love bomb him. I tell him that he is not their brother as they are not his family that they use the word to make him feel loved like he is part of a family and not an organization. I also complimented his nephews and said they were so wordly. He looked at me strange and I said that they have travelled so much and experienced so many cultures which has made them so open minded (wordly). He thought worldy was a negative word. I also told him that I could not be an apostate as I have never left a religion but if they wanted to think of me as one that was okay with me and I would wear the title proudly. These are just a few examples and I am always looking at ways to show that the JWs live in their own little bubble. Needless to say, he no longer wants me to go with him to the hall.
if you had a miraculous, unexplained escape from death..
by nonjwspouse inplus you were not baptised but grew up in a jw family, stopped attending or studying for 30 years then attempted to go back for a couple years.
the attempt had serious negative effects on your marriage, and personality, so you decided to stop all studies etc, for the time being ( over a year).
but with the full intention to return later and be baptised.. this miraculous, unexplained escape from death was discovered to have occured during this time of complete detachment from studies etc.. what would you feel explained this escape?
nonjw, your situation is very similar to mine. My husband is a baptised JW! not raised a JW and only has 1 half sister who is a JW and thank goodness, she lives overseas.
I have been with my husband for 7 years and married to him for 5. He told me that he was a JW but I never saw any sign of his affiliation except for his bible that was in his drawer. He never attended meetings and our life was going well until last year when one of them came to the door and caught him at home. He started attending meetings last November and I started researching. What I found out scared me and I admit that I verbally assaulted him with questions and facts. He took on his cult personality and we clashed. I knew that my reaction was the worst possible one but I couldn't control myself. I ended up mad at myself, mad at him and mad at every JW on the planet.
I was scheduled to have surgery in January but I failed the pre op bloodwork and surgery was immediately cancelled and a battery of tests ensued to see the cause of my seriously high platelets. In March I was diagnosed with a rare chronic blood disorder which is a form of blood cancer. I was trying to cope with all of this as well as my husband's increasing interest in the JWs. I finally had a complete meltdown in May, telling him that I could not handle this and that I couldn't see our marriage working when we shared completely opposing world views. I was furious that he refused to look at the facts about this cult. Yes, I called it a cult and told him I did not like his cult personality. I was ready to leave when he came to me, put his arms around me and said that he could not stand to see me like this and he would not attend for a while. He could also see that the stress was affecting my health. I was shocked as I had done everything that I knew that I was not supposed to do. I just thanked him profusely and cried.
Since then, he has been amazing but I too wonder what he is thinking and if he will return to them. I want to ask questions or bring up things but I am afraid too as well. He seems so much happier as well and I did tell him this. I try to emphasize all the good in people and the world as well as focus on the importance of family. The one JW sister appears to be shunning us and when I mentioned that she had deleted both of us from her Skype contacts and that she had told their non JW brother that she couldn't associate with him because he was an inactive JW, my husband's response was "I guess that is her problem". I was happy with that response.
I have strayed from the topic....During the last few months I have been to see many specialists, including hematologists and my husband has attended with me and learned a lot about blood. I think that he realizes that doctors only give blood products as a last resort and not willy nilly as JWs believe. He does know now that tHere are times when the only option is a transfusion. I would like to discuss this more with him but I don't.
I finally had my surgery 3 weeks ago and all went well and I did not require blood products but did lose a lot of blood. Now I have a long recovery ahead of me. I am worried that he may start attending after my recovery but I hope that I was able to plant some seeds of doubt in him. There was one pesty elder that was always showing up at the door but he came once when my husband wasn't home and I told him that I would appreciate it if he would stay away and he has. I saw him out in the neighborhood this morning but he skipped our house. I am not sure if my husband is aware that I told him to stay away or not and I won't lie about it if he asks.
I hope that your JW husband goes with the miracle theory and that mine listens to science and research and that neither of them return to this cult.
Who Really Are True Christians?
by The Searcher inwell, since the wtbts "litter-ature" has informed people almost 4000 times about "true christian/s", then it would appear that they must be the assigned experts to judge any hypocritical "wolves in sheep's clothing".. thank goodness the bible confirms that the fds has been given the privilege to say who is or isn't a christian!.
2 corinthians 5:10 says (probably in the new version of the nwt) "for we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of the governing body, that each one may get his award for the things done through the body, according to the things he has practiced, whether it is good or vile.".
or in simple terms, it's like saying to christ, "don't worry yourself, we'll do the judging for you!!"..
There is no such thing!