So this morning the oh-so-typical Ministerial Training School graduate punk eldurr gave a talk about the evangelizing spirit.
As I was listeneing to him drone on and on about "preach more" blah blah blah blah, "do more ministry" blah blah blah blah, "pioneer" blah blah blah blah, "move where the need is greater" blah blah blah blah, "simplify your lives" blah blah blah blah, I suddenly tuned in when he said,
"Some though say, 'But you need to be balanced. You need to work, pay bills, provide for your family and so forth.' But think about a bicycle. You can't maintain balance on a bicycle unless you are pedaling hard and moving forward fast! If you slow down even a little, or try to turn you will lose your balance and fall down! So too you must DO MORE, PREACH HARDER, AND FASTER if you want to be balanced. If you don't, just like riding a bicycle, you WILL LOSE BALANCE AND FALL DOWN!"
Damn. Here I thought that listening to the Bible's advice to "provide for ones own", "let him that does not work, not eat", was good advice. EVIDENTLY not according to the WT$.