Are they gearing up for advertising space in the mags..
Product placements in the magazine pictures and assemblies.
today we had a bla bla bla watchtower article: warnings for technology, money and pride.
a repreat of a repreat of a repreat.. but now it comes:.
one of the last summary questions one of the local simple brothers gave the answer that we have to take care for technology.
Are they gearing up for advertising space in the mags..
Product placements in the magazine pictures and assemblies.
an elder came around this morning at 9am to ask if my husband wanted to come with him on a bible study.
my husband nipped from the bathroom to the bedroom in his undies to get dressed, while i talked to the elder!
the elder talked about how he just happened to think my husband might be free this morning, and just happened to get a call from someone wanting a bible study, and then he said to me, "why don't you come visit my house some time?
Back when I was single, I used to stop, unannounced and visit elders from my congregation and others.
Since getting married, I don't see the point.
brothers would full on laugh at the c.o's lame jokes.
fight over who gets him for dinner where no expense would be speared..."oh they dont eat flour, sugars or milk products...".
My wife and I took a CO and his wife out to dinner to Japanese restaurant, which they suggested. When looked at the menu, I got something cheap.
When the bill came, I made them pay for their own. They are supposed to be examples in simple cheap living, but the examples never are.
the husband just gave me the new march km (im using it folded up as a coaster at the moment) and a new "blood card" to complete, along with a copy of a set of instructions for how to fill it out and a letter from wts to every baptised publisher.
i said to him "i wont be needing that" and gave it back to him, and he just said, well just throw it out then - no overreaction yay :o) without telling him, about a month ago, (i tore up my existing no blood directive.
our kids have never carried around "identity cards" we were never that diligent about it).
This topic's responses are not making sense.
Brainmelt said:
I've been wondering if its worthwhile carrying some sort of anti-blood directive card with me, something with my signature on that would express my wishes that I'd like to be given a blood transfusion in an emergency situation just in case I end up unconscious with my parents or the HLC trying to convince the docs to let me die.
I thought the issue was that avoiding blood transfusions or not, is not to be a religious issue. The issue is not and has never been "Hey give me a transfusion because they are great." Which the above quote indicates. Someone else's blood is still bad medicine. The doctors should be the ones to make the call, not anti-noblood theolgy.
No one in their right mind actualy wants their children to die and you may be able to get him to do some proper research on it all.
JWs don't want their children to die and refusing blood is not wanting or allowing them to die. The issue here is that non-baptized minors or adults are not under any religious directive and no one should be pressuring them to refuse or accept blood.
here is a photo of a gilead instructor (br.
liverance) teaching a class on chronology.. the photo appears in a blog entry dated 5-21-2005.. note the "6,000" and "1,000" periods in the timeline drawn on the whiteboard.. i thought the 7,000 year creative day was no longer taught, but apparently it still is at gilead, at least in the year 2005.. (picture cannot be embedded here for some reason, so here is the link to it).
"6000 years+1000 year reign of Christ would seal the deal on a 7000 year "creative day.""
That makes sense, However the flaw resides thinking that Jehovah started a clock at Eve's creation, the end of the 6th creative day, to start the 6000 years of man's government, then 1000 years of Christ's rule.
That was before the sin. There was no need for man vs Christ's rule.
It would make more sense to start the 6000 year clock at the first sin. That is unknown.
But as they say that it is to determine the issue of whether mankind can rule himself. That's not the issue that started at the sin and why does he need 6000 years for that?
i have always heard women say that men can't dance.
it seems they are right most of the time.
Men like to use their time wisely.
Dancing is a waste of time, other than exercising but that is called aerobics and slow couples.
they do not do a good job of exploring why different people stop going to the meetings and make any improvements.. this is a quote from another topic.
it reminds me of the may 15 2012 study article about marry only in the lord, p 4 para7.
they are not trying to improve their product (the people).
They do not do a good job of exploring why different people stop going to the meetings and make any improvements.
This is a quote from another topic. It reminds me of the May 15 2012 study article about marry only in the Lord, p 4 para7. "If a dedicated servant of Jehovah married an unbeliever, this would be an act of disobedience to God".
So they are mandating that ones marry only in the Lord. Don't people see the problem with that.
What if GM were to say that GM workers can only buy GM vehicles. If ones doesn't then one is disobedient and can be fired.
That is stupid because they should consider why one would be something other than what they design and build; don't they have pride in their own work? Management should ask the reasons for that. People would tell them that they don't have good quality or value or performance.
If they are mandating that then they are not considering what they can do to improve the product to get people to voluntarily buy it. Thus how good of a product do you have if you have to mandate its purchase.
The same with mandating people to marry in the Lord. They are not asking or considering why people are looking outside. They are not trying to improve their product (the people). They just try to reduce demand. And if they have to mandate the one's mate choice, then isn't that saying that Witnesses arent that great of a choice? There are things one can't do anything about; looks and money. we would all like to look better and make more money but can't. But there are many things that they could improve and then people would voluntariliy MOITL, but they don't care. There would be so many more available if they would just ban the AAA club. You know, the Available After Armageddon club, where so many wait to get married, then they end up being too old.
It's like in the Communist countries. The people could only buy products made within their country. They had no competition so the quality and variety of the products were lacking.
It is another sign of a cult to say "If a dedicated servant of Jehovah married an unbeliever, this would be an act of disobedience to God". because who determines what makes one dedicated - baptized? That would be one had to study 2 books from the Society and then get baptized. So if one does not do what the governing body laid out, then that one is disobedient to God.
is it just me, or is it hard enough to support your family without the restrictions of north of 10 hours a week of required meetings and field service exacerbated by the requirements of circuit and district assemblies and auxillary pioneering at least once a year?
especialy in a tough economy, how dare the borg demand so much of our brothers, and chastise those that work overtime just to pay rent and put food on the table.
furthermore, wouldn't it be loving to direct the flock to plan for the future and obtain secular education to decrease eventual work hours and increase the compensation level?
Their interest is in themselves because they think that a bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in the bush.
If they can get regular meeting goers to give $1, that is better than occasional meeting goers who make more that can afford to give $10, but don't go or care enough to give that.
God hasn't done anything or revealed anything in 2000 years.
Why does God allow wickedness or suffering has the lamest answers, such as universal sovereignty.
If a human saw something bad happen to another human or animal, and had the power to help, humans would do it. No thought of government or sovereignty. But God doesn't help people in need.
aguest, jehovah-jirah, lars58, rick fearon, finkle, or another scholars on jwn.
what reason does the governing body have for telling.
seven million jehovah's witnesses, "jesus is not your man dude!
sosoconfused :"I have always been under the imp[ression that the reason Christians pray in Jesus name is because he is our mediator."
Praying is a function of priests, not mediator. Prayers are likened to incense rising to God.
That is why we pray in Jesus' name. Because of his sacrifice he allows imperfect humans to be heard by his father Jehovah. I always liken it to humans praying sending the prayers to a satelite and that satelite descrambling the imperfect messages to Jehovah.
The new covenant is something that is totally unecessary and salvation and forgiveness can occur without it.