I frown upon tattoos. They are an oxymoron.
People get them to be individuals, but yet their getting them is their following the crowd. Go figure.
And they are ugly and not thinking of the future.
i am very interested in hearing from people who really think that people with tattoos are somehow weird or cagey individuals.
i would just like to get your outlook on this matter.
today i was in a grocery store and i sawe this guy with his two kids and his wife shopping.
I frown upon tattoos. They are an oxymoron.
People get them to be individuals, but yet their getting them is their following the crowd. Go figure.
And they are ugly and not thinking of the future.
check out this gem from the dec 2013 km which explains why it's good to over this book a second go round.. "congregations previously considered this book during 2004 and 2005. however,for many of the approximately two million publishers who have come into the truth since then,this will be the first time that jehovahs endearing qualities have been discussed in detail.for those who studied the book before, the review will help them to deepen their appreciation forjehovahs attributes.ps.119:14".
i gotta kick out of this because i can only think of maybe two or three new ones in our congregation who weren't present when this book was first studied.
at the same time, going over jehovah's qualities isn't something new.
"Jehovah’s endearing qualities"
Such as letting storms destroy cities and kill millions when he has the power to stop them.
Letting the confusion of multitudes of religions go on and on.
But the reason they go voer books again is that book were released at conventions to bring in revenue and then to study at book studies. But the revenue does not come in so much these days and with the internet being the publishing focus, it is more of a loss to publish books.
let's have the ultimate discussion on "higher education.
" let's talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
mamochen said: "The downside is the student loans. They are crushing me and have ruined my credit rating. Had I gone to university when I was young my life would be so much better now. I hate the religion for preventing mefrom doing that".
This I take issue with. How can the religion prevent you from doing anything? It is like saying that the law prevents one from speeding. It does not control my car but because of their powers they can punish one afterwards. But the religon can not punish one for going to University.
First of all, how would they know what one does on one's time unless you tell them. I don't see why anyone would tell anyone that.
And second, how can they punish one? Demote someone from being an elder or servant? That is not a punishment, that is a relief.
let's have the ultimate discussion on "higher education.
" let's talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Your point #2: "People who have been to college tell me to be wary of the system. They say that you can be ripped off, and be forced to pay for Universit"y required classes that are not really related to your chosen field. For me that means time and money wasted. Why should I pay for something I don't need?"
Is why I only got a tecnical 2 year degree. I was raised in the faith and I didn't base my decision on what they said. I believe that education is not important because one can achieve anything one can set one's heart and mind on. All it is, is proof that one took and passed those classes. A high achiever can do better with On the job training than most college graduates. I got a job in which I miss meetings and field service and thankful to God for that.
Education is not the problem with the WTS or FDS. It is that they want people to focus all their time and resources on the ministry and meetings so they can build up the organization.
it has been about 2000 years since jesus walked the earth and has been hailed as the son of god by christians .. the jews refuse to acknowledge jesus as the son of god.. the muslims recognise jesus as only a prophet .. their are billions of christians earth wide.
their are at least a billion muslims world wide.
i`m sorry i dont know how many jews their are world wide ( please add the 6 million who died in concentration camps ).
That is my issue. When a Company is accused of anything and there is a controversy, the CEO will issue a statement to clear it up.
Why hasn't the CEO of the universe, even through a representative, cleared matters up?
One thing that makes no sense to me is the tower of Babel. God confused the languages, but what that did was to confuse the truth because religious untruth was easier to spread over different languages and mistranslations.
i conducted the wt study tonight on higher education.
i wondered what the reaction of the bros and sis would be.
there was no deviation from the idea that a university education is not a good idea.
You all are missing the purpose of the article. It is not to bash higher education or other things, it is to direct the people to focus on sales.
You all are missing the key sentence in paragraph 13.
"Rather than acquiring secular degrees and titles after their names, true Christians focus on obtaining “letters of recommendation” by engaging as fully as possible in the field ministry"
That is what it is all about, bullying and goading them into more field ministry. So that the readers can use their cars and gas and time to deliver the WTS literature to keep them busy and engaged and active and then to bring in more "customers" into the organization. Just admit it. The term used is sheep but really they are customers paying the bills.
a sure guarantee that this was bogus (really, any reasoning is required at all?
) was that it did the rounds applied to john denver, annie lennox and others.. basically, they relied on satan (oh yes) for their musical ability (i knew it) and any jws in the audience would be asked to leave because ... (drum roll) ... they blocked the signal to satan so couldn't perform with them present!.
anyone else remember that gem?.
Another urban legend.
Tommy James and the Shondell's song "Crystal Blue Persuasion" is about the "Truth that Lead to Eternal Life" book.
a sure guarantee that this was bogus (really, any reasoning is required at all?
) was that it did the rounds applied to john denver, annie lennox and others.. basically, they relied on satan (oh yes) for their musical ability (i knew it) and any jws in the audience would be asked to leave because ... (drum roll) ... they blocked the signal to satan so couldn't perform with them present!.
anyone else remember that gem?.
Viola, these are the episodes that IMDB shows that John Denver was on Carson. When was the date or approximate date that you saw that?
"The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" (17 episodes ) ... aka "The Best of Carson" - USA (rerun title)
a sure guarantee that this was bogus (really, any reasoning is required at all?
) was that it did the rounds applied to john denver, annie lennox and others.. basically, they relied on satan (oh yes) for their musical ability (i knew it) and any jws in the audience would be asked to leave because ... (drum roll) ... they blocked the signal to satan so couldn't perform with them present!.
anyone else remember that gem?.
"When we used to spin records, rumor with teenagers was if you played Stairway to Heaven backwards it said "worship Satan" at a certain spot."
Well, it is true that Stairway has backwards lyrics that say "My sweet Satan". I recorded it digitally and played it back backwards.
But whether the devil put it there is another issue. It is interesting that several purposely put backwards messages sound like gibberish played forward,
but Stairway is understandable both ways, the same with Another One Bites the Dust.
As for Johnny Carson and John Denver, I heard Johnny's maid was a Witness and he liked them because of that.
this morning's wt study almost made me vomit, stand up, pick up my bag and rush to the door.. of course it never happened.
instead, i was able to make some nice drawings on my tablet and notepad.. if you replace the name jehovah with watchtower, or the governing 8 men, it would really make sense.. what's up with all that nonstop guilt-mongering about education and having a decent job?!.
most people look down on the uneducated, and i remember, when i didn't have a job, nobody cared!.
"I really regret wasting my gas to attend today's meeting. If I had read the article in advance, I would've known better."
I feel the same way. Many Sundays I don't wake my wife up in time for the meeting. She asks me, "why did you wake me?"
I respond "Because you were sleeping". I really want to say 'I don't want you to waste gas going to the meetings'.
When I go I get magazines and boxes they came in and then put it in my paper recycling bin to take to paper recycling since they pay 2.5 cents per pound for it.