All fake news..
Microsoft and Symantec and McAfee have been silent on this, so it is not a real threat.
And the body was designed to fix itself. Let it.
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
All fake news..
Microsoft and Symantec and McAfee have been silent on this, so it is not a real threat.
And the body was designed to fix itself. Let it.
the watchtower has posted a news item on the coronavirus on their website and officially endorces the advice of who, the world health organization which is described by wikipedia as -.
the world health organization (who) is a specialised agency of the united nations that is concerned with world public health.
it was established on 7 april 1948, and is headquartered in geneva, switzerland.
So what of it?
Why do you complain about the UN?
The Watchtower has merely stated that the UN is the beast of revelation that is a combination of all nations and that it will be destroyed.
That does not make it any more evil than the nations themselves are. The nations are made up of people and have departments and do functions. Same with the UN.
So leave the UN alone. Stop attacking the Watchtower with an issue you do not understand.
the following is an extract from an article i wrote when i left the watchtower 25 years ago.
it may be helpful in reasoning with a jw about the anointed/great crowd distinction.. --------------------------------.
to divide people into those with a heavenly hope and those with an earthly one is not a biblical concept.
Why do people keep arguing against the 144,000 in heaven? It is very clearly in the Bible that Israel was Jehovah's people for a purpose. Thus the 144,000 spiritual Israelites would serve that purpose in heaven. Arguing against that can't change because the whole laws and temple was about that. Not going to heaven is not a bad thing.
while there are many excellent web sites that explain a few jw nwt bible translation problems, are there any comprehensive lists of nwt scripture errors online please?.
thanks .
There are none. You must remember that theologically the NWT and JWs are correct.
The problem with JWs is not their theology, it is their control and their being cult-like.
adam was told not to eat from the tree of knowledge for upon the very day of eating from it, he would die.
i had someone say that god lied because, adam didn't die that day but, the scriptures say to god a day is as a thousand years so, since adam lived 900+ years after eating , he indeed died within god's view of a day.
methuselah the oldest to ever live 969 years still within god's set time of a day.
I think the answer can Only be he was telling the man on THAT day, he would see him again in the restored paradise.
You are correct because Jesus was dead and out of existence from Nisan 14-16. He was in hell but not burning. He was resurrected on the 3rd day. That man was still dead because no resurrection took place until 1918.
hi , would someone help me please with some info about the nwt .
during my study time l have been reading john 1:1-14 and colossians 1:15-17 .
both these passages indicate that jesus was not created as the wt asserts .
" if the NWT changes these verses to alter the meaning"
The only one who knows the meaning of those verses is the writer, the apostle John.
The fact that there are disputes about how they are to be translated shows that people don't have an understanding of its meaning.
What the NWT translators did was have those scriptures conform to the teachings of the rest of the Bible in that Jesus was created by Jehovah. Jesus could not create all things because Jesus was part of the all things that were created. Jesus was not God as he was the son of God.
the co got on his hind legs for the public talk and repeated twice "tolerance promotes division".
then backed it up by saying that if one group march for some right, another group will march for the opposite.. so jws are intolerant and proud of it.
f@@@k me sideways.. may explain that the baptism tally was 0..
Tolerance does not promote division. Intolerance promotes division.
Yes, Jehovah was called Lord. Jesus was called Lord. And there are sith Lords. But they are not all the same person.
Lords are subject to Kings.
i am surprised that a government authority is calling on a religious organization to give their police and fire department officials instructions to behave in a better way with the guatemalan population.
the organization of jehovah's witnesses is well known to separate families (shunning) and have in the past protected numerous pedophiles within their organization ( maybe they are still doing it now somewhere in secret, who knows ?
"organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is well known to separate families (shunning) and have in the past protected numerous pedophiles within their organization"
It's not as simple as you make it. Shunning is only done when disfellowshipped. So JWs are not known to separate families, but the dfd one is.
And about protecting pedophiles... Your statement is so general and without definition. I just can not take such inaccuracy. No pedophile has been protected within the organization.
You don't define pedophile, protected, numerous or how it is done within the organization.
So you need to get it right first.
The whole premise of the diagram is based on his one dimensional logical and it fails.
I had argued with Bill back in the 80s over this and how his diagram is put together from out of context texts.
Jehovah is called Judge
Jesus is said to Judge.
So what? Does not mean they are the same person.
Judge Judy is a Judge. Is she God?
Jehovah is called Rock. Jesus is called Rock. Duane Johnson is called Rock. There is your trinity.