The trinity is a man-made doctrine to take focus and worship away from Jehovah and put it on others that they won't object to.
People say they look to Jesus as being God because of John 1:1. That was written 65 years after Jesus died. What did they believe prior to that? Nothing was said in Acts about trinity or Jesus being God. Infact the opposite. Stephen saw Jesus at God's right hand, not a 3 person God.
The support texts are taken out of context: I and the father are one. Come on, that is contra trinity but they use it.
They rely on Jesus' enemies to get definitions of Jesus such as Thomas statement and the Pharisees.
They say John 8:58 is connected to Ex 3:14. Some pastor made that connection sometime in the past, but why didn't the apostles make that connection?
The trinity has spurious texts added such as 1 Tim 3:16, 1 john 5;7; Matt 28:19.