" the NWT, which deliberately mistranslates to support the theological agenda of the WTS."
What is the agenda of the WTS? And how can it mistranslate when the result is correct?
As for Matt 28:19. I forgot to quote Eusebius "“Go ye and make disciples of all the nations in my name, teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I commanded you.”"
But I find that the main problem with that is that if Jesus said to baptize in the name of the 3, why is there no record of anyone doing that. But on the contrary, just 10 days later in Acts 2:34 "Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ". He has a short memory because he forgot about the name of the father and Holy spirit.
That says alot right there.
"Is the phrase “in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” used elsewhere in Scripture? NOT ONCE!
Did Jesus use the phrase “in my name” on other occasions? YES! 17 times! (Matthew 18:5, 20; 24:5; Mark 9:37, 39, 41; 13:6; 16:17; Luke 9:48; 21:8; John 14:13, 14, 26; 15:16; 16:23, 24, 26, etc..) "
Evidence of Parallel Accounts
Now it happens that Matthew was not alone in recording the words of Jesus before his ascension. Let us compare the parallel accounts of Luke and Mark.
Luke, who writes in the third person: “And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached IN HIS NAME among all nations” —Luke 24:46-47. This passage therefore restores the correct text to Matthew 28:19 “in my name.”
Furthermore, Mark records the last discourse of Jesus before His ascension. Here, we have yet another witness to the correct text, for Mark, after using similar words to Matthew: “go ye ...all the world ...preach ....Every creature...baptize...” (Mark 16:15-17), includes not the triune formula but the phrase—“in my name.
I'm getting this information from a Catholic Bishop who wrote "As uncomfortable as it is for this writer, doctrinal integrity compels us to look at the canonicity of both texts, but especially Matthew 28:19."
You rely on (which I denounced) "The Jewish leaders clearly understood Jesus' claim to divinity here, as evidenced by their immediate reaction to stone Him for blasphemy (John 8:59). Jesus' "I AM" statement is an explicit claim to eternal existence and divine identity."
The Jewish leaders are your teachers you are saying.
"In Exodus 3:14, God reveals His name to Moses as “I AM” (YHWH), expressing His eternal and self-existent nature. When Jesus uses the same phrase, “I AM,” in John 8:58,"
Jesus never said "I AM" as he did not speak English.
"He is directly identifying Himself with YHWH. The reaction of the Jewish leaders confirms that they understood His claim to be God, which is why they sought to stone Him. This connection is not "made up," but deeply rooted in both Jewish and Christian understanding."
Again, the reliance on "The reaction of the Jewish leaders".
I didn't say that Ps 110:1 denies his divinity. I stated that it shows Jesus, Peter and Paul recognizing that Jesus is not Jehovah in that passage.
You said " Peter’s confession does not contradict the deity of Jesus." Ah, but son of God means that he is not the God that begot him. That's the difference. I'm not mixing in words like deity in the equation.
""the overwhelming majority of translations and biblical scholars agree that John 1:1 affirms the deity of Jesus."
And those translators have agendas too. Right.
"select interpretations and supposed spurious texts,". No. I dismiss the trinity because it does not go along with the equation for salvation. I heard that statement that under no temple arrangement, whether Pre-Christian, Christian or pagan has God ever acted as his own high priest. And Paul affirmed that in Heb 5-10 and that agrees with the what was given in Lev-Deut about the function of the priests and the 1500 year use of the temple which overshadows anything that Jesus or the apostles said.
John 10:30-33??? Really? Heb 8:5 holds more weight. "They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”"