Seabreeze said "The first Christians certainly thought Jesus was God. His hand picked apostles thought he was God. How could anyone who witnessed Jesus' prediction of Self-Resurrection think otherwise?"
NO. Not true at all.
Mark 1:1 The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God"
Mark is said to have gotten his info from Peter who also said in Matt 16:16 "Simon Peter answered: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Demons are in the know as to who Jesus is and they said:
Luke 4:41 Demons also came out of many, crying out and saying: "You are the Son of God." But rebuking them, he would not permit them to speak, for they knew him to be the Christ."
John 1:49 Na·than'a·el responded: "Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are King of Israel."
So tell us, which apostles stated that Jesus was God?
And Jesus did not predict a self-resurrection.If he was able to resurrect himself, then he was not dead. If he was not dead, then the sacrifice is invalid.
Peter said as recorded in Acts 2:32 "God resurrected this Jesus, and of this we are all witnesses"
vs 36 "let all the house of Israel know for a certainty that God made him both Lord and Christ"
God made him Lord and Christ. Jesus was nothing by himself. Who he is, is because of God his Father making him that way and giving him those titles.