One of the most important things to learn is your evil laugh.
How to do an Evil Laugh This is one of the most important skills you will need to learn as an evil-doer. The evil laugh is a defining characteristic of any supervillain, and you be engaging it in regularly as you gloat over fallen foes exult in your own wickedness. There are many different laughs to choose from, each with varying degrees of derangement.
Ha Ha Ha…
Once you have decided upon a laugh you will want to begin practicing it every day. Learn all the different chortles and inflections, the many ways to pronounce it and shower your audience with spittle. Before long you should be able to perform it with ease, and will be ready to begin your evil career with style.
Good times to use your evil laugh:
When revealing your master plan. During a bank heist. Before shooting your arch-nemesis. While standing over the bodies of fallen enemies. After your evil scheme has gone off without a hitch. When you are instructing your henchmen. Before unleashing your weapon of great power. Just as the heroes are sneaking up from behind. While you are locked inside a mental asylum. Anytime at all, really.